"But I'm your dork"

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Tw: Mention of eating disorder. (I'll put a warning when the part starts and finishes, for those who don't feel comfortable reading it)

After a while of hugging and comforting each other (plus a bit more making out), my mum calls us down for dinner. We run down the stairs hand in hand and sit next to my mum on the sofa.
"I was thinking we could watch a film while we eat?" My mum says as she hands me and Charlie our pizzas. I have pepperoni, whereas Charlie just has plain margherita.
"What about the new Spiderman movie!" I ask excitedly through a mouthful of pizza. Charlie laughs, giving me a nudge on my side. Embarrassed, I swallow my good and cover my face.
"Manners Nicky!" She smiles, adding to my embarrassment.
"Of course, Spiderman it is, as long as Charlie's alright with that?" Charlie's not a huge fan of Marvel movies, but he nods and leans in closer to me.

"Alrighty then!" She agrees, "You can put the film on, just gonna go to the loo quickly."

Tw: eating disorder (start)

The starting credits begin when I notice Charlie playing with his uneaten food, just pushing it around with his fingers.

Charlie was diagnosed with anorexia a few years back. He has improved much since then, and I am so very proud of him, but he does still struggles some days. Eating disorders aren't just a thing that will go away in a week. They take time. But I can help make it less difficult for him by being there and reminding him how amazing he has done.
I was assuming this was to do with that, but I didn't want to upset him.

"Wanna try some of my pizza?" I ask with a soft, comforting tone. I tear a part of it off for him and place it in his box. Hesitantly, he picks it up, and after a little thought, places it in his mouth. I can see him thinking as he slowly chews it.

Tw: eating disorder (end)

A few seconds later, he covers his mouth with his hand and reaches for his drink.
"Ahh hot hot hot!" He gasps while quickly fanning his mouth. I try not to laugh, but I can't stop myself as I burst into a loud cry.
"Hey!" He moans, hitting my arm with quite power, "Why is that pepperoni so hot!?" I tell him it's not, and that he's just over exaggerating, but he insist that it is and he's, quote, 'About to die'.
"You're such a drama queen!" I say between crying laughter.
"Just get me some milk!!" He's almost yelling at this point. So I just stand up at watch down on him trying to get rid of the spiciness
"But it's funny watching you suffer." I say. He puts his middle finger up at me and frowns.
I eventually give in and get him a glass of milk from the kitchen. He downs it in one, then finally starts to calm down a bit.
He's bright red at this point, so he takes his jumper off to cool him down. While doing this, his top pulls up slightly, causing me to blush. Why am I like this?

"Fuck, im so hot now"

"Oh yes you are." I smirk. He's blushing now too; we both look like a pair of cherries, just sitting here budding from eachothers doings.
"You're a dork." Charlie finally says, rolling his eyes.
"Yes. But I'm your dork." I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips.

"What on earth is all the racket down here?" My mum questions, confused and unserious.

"Nothing!" Me and Charlie say at the same time.

Authors note: I'm sorry this chapter is quite short, I've just been quite busy today. I still wanted to get something out rather than leaving yall with nothing. I'll try make up for it tomorrow <3

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