Echoes of Truth : The Journey Awaits

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1 week passed since we met leo at the bar, At my apartment, me and Amelia sat comfortably on the couch, sipping on our daily afternoon tea and engaging in our usual banter. Until...

Bonnie: (chuckling) Did you hear about Mrs. Smith from the fifth floor? Apparently, she caught her cat stealing socks from her neighbor's laundry room again!

Amelia: (laughing) No way! That cat is a little troublemaker, isn't it? I swear, Mrs. Smith should start a neighborhood watch just for her pet.

Bonnie: (nodding) Definitely! And speaking of neighbors, did you see the new couple that moved into apartment 3B? They look like they stepped right out of a magazine!

Amelia: (grinning) Oh, I know! I caught myself staring at them from the window the other day. It's like they're too perfect to be real.

Bonnie: (teasingly) Maybe they're undercover spies or secret celebrities trying to stay low. Wouldn't that be something?

Amelia: (playfully) Oh, absolutely! We should start betting on their true identity. I bet they're former spies turned pastry chefs.

Bonnie: (laughing) Deal! Now, let's see who can gather the juiciest gossip first.

Just as we were getting into the groove of our gossip session, My phone rang, breaking the cozy atmosphere. I glanced at the caller ID and saw Leo's name flashing on the screen.

Bonnie: (surprised) It's Leo. I wonder what he wants.

Amelia: (curiously) Answer it! Maybe he's got some new lead on the Lexi stuff.

I answered the call, My heart racing with anticipation.

Bonnie: (into the phone) Hey, Leo! What's up?

Leo's voice came through the phone, sounding urgent and slightly anxious.

Leo: (over the phone) Bonnie, we need to talk. Meet me at the usual spot in an hour. It's important.

My curiosity piqued at Leo's tone. I immediately exchanged a glance with Amelia, who nodded in silent agreement.

Bonnie: Indeed, a conversation is overdue. It's been a week since our last encounter at the bar, Leo, where you mentioned having a plan. However, you failed to execute it. What's the underlying motive here, Leo?

Leo: Apologies for the delay, Bonnie. Circumstances arose unexpectedly, diverting my attention elsewhere.  I'm ready to discuss it now. Let's meet and dig into the details without further delay. Meet me at the Bellevue Botanical Garden.

Bonnie: (firmly) Alright, Leo. We'll be there. See you in an hour.

Ending the call, I turned to Amelia, a mix of excitement and apprehension in my stomach.

Bonnie: (determined) It appears our leisurely chat session has reached its conclusion, and it's high time we refocus on the matter concerning Lexi. Let's go see what Leo is up to.

As I readied myself, I carefully picked out my clothes, aiming for a mix of confidence and comfort. Once dressed, I joined Amelia outside my place, locked the door. We headed to the garden we decided to walk as the garden was near my apartment, enjoying the sunny day. The greenery around us was calming as we walked. We were excited to meet Leo and find out what he is upto. In the garden's beauty, we spotted Leo, his presence added mystery of the moment.                                                                                  Leo: Hey, how are you guys? It's good to see you both.

Bonnie: Hi, Leo! We're doing well, thanks. How about you?

Leo: Oh, you know, hanging in there. So, Amelia, are you staying at Bonnie's place now?

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