Who's there in that abandoned house??

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On the other side in an abandoned house. A tall man walked into the master bedroom with plates full of food. He placed the food tray on a table and went towards the bed where an old man was lying. Hearing the sound of someone coming, the old man opened his eyes and asked,
Old man: I've been waiting for you.
??: come, eat your lunch. Then you have to take medicine.
Old man: Why are you doing all this son?? I have no desire to live anymore.
??: Don't say like this. You've to stay strong, so that you can meet with your family.
Old man: Brett, Whatever you have done till date, I can't repay your debt. Just don't make me a debtor any more.
That old man joined his hands in front of Brett. But Brett hold them tightly n said,
Brett: No Dad. I did nothing. You're the one who gave me a second life. I'm always grateful for that. Now it's my turn to repay you. So, please don't forbade me. Now, come & eat. Don't talk too much. Otherwise you'll get sick again.
Then Brett gave the man food and medicine and made him lie down on the bed again. When he came out of the bedroom, there was a person standing there and he got scared after seeing him.
Brett : You,here?? I was just
Before he could say something that person hugged him tightly.
Brett: I'm sorry J.
Jake broke the hug, hold his hands tightly n said,
Jake: I don't understand how to thank you. How can a person be so good? Even if I serve you my whole life, I will not be able to repay you.
Brett: Shhhh... come on Jake. Don't cry. I can't see you like this. Do you want me to cry??
Jake: No..no. Even God won't forgive me if I make you cry. I'm sorry. I'm...I'm really sorry. Before coming here, many things were going in my mind. For some time, I even started doubting on your intentions. But after seeing all this with my own eyes, I'm now feeling ashamed of myself.
Brett: The situation you are going through, it is obvious that you doubt everyone. But tell me one thing, how did you come to know about this?
Jake: Have you forgotten that I am a detective?
Brett: Now spill the beans.
It was 4 o'clock in the morning and that day Jake returned home after meeting his Mimi. Everyone was sleeping. So he went straight to his room, but when he reached there he saw that his daughter was sleeping in Brett's lap and Brett was caressing her hair. He chuckled at this scene. He was about to go inside when he heard Brett talking to himself.
Brett: Oh God, why did you let this family fall apart like this? What harm had all these people done to whom? And this lil soul!! She's too much younger to handle this much of pain. I have seen with my own eyes the pain of not having a family. If this family had not adopted me, today I would have been a beggar on some roadside. It's enough now, I can't let you brake them like this. Eli I couldn't help you but I promise again I'll never leave your family alone till my last breath. But before that I have to tell Jake one more truth. Don't know how but it is very important for him to know this. I'm so sorry Jake, I hope you'll forgive me for hiding this truth from you for so long but I was helpless.
Jake: I overheard what you said and to get to the truth, I installed a spying app on your mobile. I'm...I'm really sorry Brett.
Brett hugged him while patting his back & said,
Brett: I myself wanted you to know everything, as soon as this thing has come to light, I hope that soon the rest of the truth will also be revealed to you.
Jake: Can I meet dad once??
Brett: Of course Jake, is that even a question? he has been wanting to meet you for a long time.
Then both of them went inside. Brett went to the Bed first and said to Mr. Toner,
Brett: Daa, look who has come to meet you.
He helped him sit on the bed, then Jake stood in front of him. Seeing Jake, his dad was shocked, he couldn't stop his tears and spread his arms towards Jake. Seeing this, Jake quickly hugged his father, both father & son started crying badly. Mr.Toner patted his back & said,
Mr.Toner: Forgive me son, whatever is happening, I am responsible for all this.
Jake broke the hug & hold his hands while placed a soft kiss.
Jake: No, dad. It is not your fault. I just did your duties.
Mr.Toner: You don't know, son, how I have spent so many years. Every day this thought tormented me from within that because of me my entire family had fallen apart. I can't even protect my daughter.
With that Jake started sobbing and said,
Jake: Da...dad. Dad she....she ruined my family Dad. She ruined everything.
Seeing this Brett thought may be he's talking about Eli because he don't know the the complete truth yet. But the next sentence Jake told made Brett widened his eyes.
Jake: I lost my love Dad. I lost my Eli because of Mom.
Both Brett and Mr.Toner were surprised to hear this..
Brett: Jake??
Jake: Yes, a few days ago, I had fitted a micro camera in Josh's room so that I could keep an eye on him. And I was praying that everything I'd heard about him wouldn't turn out to be true. But one day,
Jake gets a call from Martin.
Jake: on call
: Yes, Martin. What happened??
Martin: Sir, as per the documents your daughter will be able to become the owner of her mother's property after she turns 12 years old.
Jake: Yes, I know it.
Martin: But Sir, I also got one more I formation that Elisa(Eli) ma'am prepared some divorce papers which have her signatures.
Jake: WHAT??
Martin: Yes, sir. According to the information she forced to that lady lower to make those papers. She also told her that she wanted this divorce as soon as possible.
Jake became very upset after hearing all this. He wasn't able to understand anything. So he asked Martin,
Jake: Do you have a copy of those divorce papers??
Martin: Yes Sir, wait I'll send it to you.
Jake: Okay, and one more thing. I want to meet that lower within 1/2 hrs.
Martin: Sure Sir. I'll fix an appointment for you.
Some time later, Martin sends a copy of the divorce papers to Jake. Jake immediately opened it and saw that the papers were actually signed by Ellie.
Jake: Why Eli?? You didn't even think about discussing this with me? Was I really that much useless? So much was happening behind my back and I didn't know anything.
After that Jake was going to close the laptop but suddenly he remembered about Josh. Then he quickly started checking the footage of his room. He was checking like this when Mrs.Toner came into the room, so instead of checking the old records, he started checking the recent scans.
Mrs.Toner: You can't do a single thing properly, you just sit here like a statue all day.
Josh: What happened Mom?? Why are you shouting?
Mrs.Toner: You haven't found that Eli yet. And can't even gather information from that girl.
Josh: Oh Mom. She's exactly like her Mom.
Jake :( thought)
: This means they know Amy is my daughter, then why didn't they ask me about it?
Mrs.Toner: Still she's a kid. If you scare her a little, she will tell everything.
Josh: I tried Mom. But failed everytime,I don't know why?
Mrs.Toner: Because you're a stupid. Just bring that Eli to me quickly. I want to see her suffering face again. And yes, Jake also has to suffer in the same way as we made his wife suffer. I just hate that Jake.
Josh: Me too Mom. And this time we will not leave his daughter also.
Hearing this, Jake's blood started boiling. He wanted to kill Josh at that moment. But then he got a call from Martin.
Jake: on call
: Tell me.
Martin: Sir, your appointment with that lady lower has been fixed, you'll have to go within 15 minutes, after that you will not be able to meet her.
Jake: Okay, I'm coming.
Then he left to meet her.
Jake: She hates me. Dad I always treat her like my own Mom,but she....she hates me.
Brett patted his back n said,
Brett: Don't cry like this J. You have to be strong for Amy. We're always with you.
Mr.Toner: Yes,my son. We're with you, you're not alone in this fight. Now no one can save them both.
Jake: Dad,you know mimi is alive?
Mr.Toner : Yes, it is because of Mike that both of us are standing safe in front of you today. If he had not been there, both of us would have been killed that day.
Jake: You mean??
Mr.Toner: Yes my son. They both are involved in this.
Brett: But Dad. There is someone else involved in all this, I don't know who it is but I heard Josh talking to someone. He was saying that boss, we have to find Eli as soon as possible.
Jake: Yes, I also heard him talking to someone. But no problem, I have asked Martin to keep an eye on him, soon we'll know about him too.
Brett: Yes, they know about Amy. But they don't know about Eli's death.
Hearing Hearing the word death, Jake's eyes filled with tears, he could not stop himself and cried.
Brett hugged him & asked,
Brett: Do you know everything what happened in the past??
Jake: No, Brett. I don't know the whole story but one thing is confirmed that they both destroyed my family. And She....she's right.
He again brust into tears.
Brett: Do you want to meet her??
Jake: I...I don't have the courage to face her again. I can't look into her eyes. I'm the worst husband ever.
Brett: No J. She still loves you so much. She wants to meet you. Please J take her in your embrace. She's waiting for you. Let's go to Mike. Amy is also there.
Jake nodded his head slowly n hugged his dad.
Jake: Dad. We have to go. You take care of yourself. I'll come to soon with your pumpkin.
Mr.Toner: Yes, please bring her to me. I also want to meet her. It has been many years since I played with her.
Brett: She's not your pumpkin now dad. she has become very intelligent & mature now. You know she's the one who gave courage to this stupid.
Mr.Toner chuckled with this n said,
Mr.Toner : You know, when I saw her for the first time I told him that she was exactly like my daughter.
Jake chuckled sadly n said,
Jake: Yes, you both are right. I'm really stupid.
Brett: We're just teasing you. Don't take it seriously. She's mature like her n intelligent like you. Now let's go.

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