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Bingo pokes the skeleton's head.

Bingo: I don't think they're awake.

Chilli: They're skeletons, Bingo. They're not supposed to be alive.

Bandit: But this one's different. It's not from us dogs and it's bigger.

Bluey wears the red scarf the skeleton was wearing.

Bandit: Hey, you look good with that!

Bluey: En guarde!

Bandit: AAAH-

Bluey begins to hit Bandit with a plastic sword.

Chilli: Why did we buy that for her?

???: it's rude to steal someone's clothes while they're sleeping, you know?

The four dogs became speechless of what just happened.

Bingo: Mum. . . ? The skeleton just spoke. . .

The skeleton stands up.

Bluey: AHH! It stood up too!

???: hand the scarf, kid. that belongs to me.

Bluey: Alright.

Bluey hands ??? the scarf.

???: thanks, kid.

Bandit: Get behind me, kids. Who are you?

Sans: i'm sans. sans the skeleton.

Sans lends out a hand to Bandit.

Bandit: What are you doing?

Sans: giving you a handshake?

Bandit: I still don't trust you. You could hurt the ki-

Sans drinks Bandit's ketchup until it's empty.

Sans: sorry, were you saying something?

Sans: i don't mean no harm.

Bluey: Where are your parents?

Sans: i don't have one.

Bingo: Where is your house?

Sans: i don't know.

Bandit: What do you mean "i don't know."?

Sans: it means i don't know.

Sans: cool place you have.

Sans: do you mind if i stay here for a while? i'm kinda lost.

Chilli: Oh! That reminds me of something. Dinner's ready!

Bandit: We'll be having a talk, Sans.

Sans: cool.

A different world (Undertale X Bluey)Where stories live. Discover now