THEN:Chapter 12

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"All my soul follows you, love - encircles you - and I live in being yours" - Robert Browning


Dear Ollie,

So, I have news. My Aunt and Uncle (the rich ones I told you about – you know, the selfish jerks who never share their money despite the fact that they have mega millions? Those ones) are throwing a party the day after you’re due to get back, the 22nd December. They do it for Christmas every year and they take it pretty seriously; all their rich friends go and they pretend that the poor people in the corner aren’t related to them, but it’s an excuse to dress up and you’ll get to meet my family and we can dance together – which will be awesome. It’s a big, lavish fancy dress ball, by the way, and I really would love you to come – we can do a complimentary theme as a famous literary couple! So as you know, I often get a bit overexcited, and I’ve been brainstorming costume ideas. Here are my top five:

1.        Daisy and Gatsby

2.        Elizabeth and Mr Darcy (I know, I know it’s cliché and you don’t much like Pride and Prejudice, but I do!)

3.        Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn (You’d have to have a lot of padding, but it would keep you warm! And I’d get to be a brunette for the day)

4.        Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester (once again, cliché, but it’s so romantic! And it reflects the age gap!)

5.        Paris and Helen of Troy (I’d have to wear a LOT of makeup to pull off ‘the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless towers of Ilium, but you’d look hot in a toga and I wouldn’t have to dye my hair)

You have the final say, but I think Daisy and Gatsby are winning for me. Choose soon – I need to order the costumes!

I’m so glad you enjoyed Tess of the D’Urbervilles, it’s my favourite book, I think. Maybe tied with Anna. But yes, Angel is as cruel as Alec in a sense – to give love and then deprive it without warning is so callous and heartless. But to take something that isn’t yours to begin with, like Alec did...I still think he’s the ultimate villain. At least Angel looks after Liza-Lu once Tess is dead, like she asked him. Alec probably just seduced all the demons in Hell or something.

I’m sending The Mill on the Floss this time – I’m reading it at the moment too, so it’s new for us both!

I can’t wait to see you. I miss you all the time.

I love you.

All my heart,


Dear Eden,

I do seem to remember you talking about that Aunt and Uncle, though I’m pretty sure you called them much worse than that last time. Don’t forget though, Ede, we draw straws to decide who gets to come home for Christmas, and only two of us can win. I might not be one of those two, okay? Just to warn you. But if I am, then it’s not long now. God, Ede, I can’t wait to see you. And hear you. And talk to you. And oh my God, Ede, I can’t wait to...well, I’m sure you can imagine. I don’t want to crush your optimism, so let’s just hope, okay?

Here’s my opinion on your – impressively imaginative – ideas, before I give you mine:

1.        Daisy and Gatsby – despite the fact that it’s one of my favourite novels, and I do believe in Gatsby’s greatness, I don’t see you as Daisy. She was a selfish, impulsive bitch, and you’re as far from that as you can get.

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