... the reason i live

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I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine

It had been too late when Jisung and Chan noticed the haywire heart rate machine.

'Minho' Jisung shouted running inside.

He stopped. tears coming in his eyes when he saw Minho lying dead with a black flower rising from his mouth blood everywhere.

He walked towards him.

'I am so sorry, please forgive me... ' tears falling from his eyes and mixing with minho's blood.

He snapped the black flower and kept it in his pocket. He wouldn't let the flower die.

That's when he noticed the paper in minho's tightly closed hands.

After a few minutes of trying to wrench out the paper without tearing it, jisung was successful.

With shaky hands he read.

Dear Jagi,
I know I am probably dead if you are reading this. I am sorry I never stood by you. I was too selfish. I am sorry that i love you, but i will never regret it.
You deserve the world, Hannie, please don't blame yourself for anything that happened to me.
Live for me.
It hurts that I can't be with you as your lover. But I will always be with you as your hyung. I'm sorry for putting you in such a situation.
Live a happy life with Hyunjin. He is a good kid.
I am sorry for falling in love or I would have forever been with you.

Please take care of my cats, they mean a lot to me. I wish I could have stayed longer with them.

You might think why I never took a surgery. Well, I would rather die being in love with you than living without any emotions towards you.

Because you hannie are the reason I smile.
Your smile is the reason I live.
And falling for you was my fault.

Love you,

-T H E   E N D-

Thank you so much for reading.
It means a lot.
Please do check out my other books.
-Until next time

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