Chapter 9

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Zephyra's POV

I was sitting on a bench in the  cells of dark moon park, it was just a small room with two benches and a door but was clean. Everything about this place was just amazing. 

Pandra was sitting opposite me her head on her knees,ever since we came here she hasn't spoken to me. She must be upset and I am still wondering why she has not yet asked me a thing because she knows it's me because of the bracelet but she is just quiet and the silence is killing me  and I thought of breaking it. 

" Pandra-"

" Why did you do it? " Pandra cut me short, now looking at me In my eyes. Her voice was low and if it was not for my hearing I wouldn't have heard her. 

I didn't have to ask Pandra what she was asking because I already know what it is. 

" Pandra she is not the person you thought she was ".

" And you think you are? " Pandra raised her voice and she was now standing up " You walk around putting on that innocent face of yours deceiving everyone making everyone think you're an angel " 

" Pandra I had reasons to kill Odessa, she was a witch " I said standing up from my sit

" What was the damn reason? Huh? Tell me zephrya? I have to die because of your stupid reasons " Pandra was now crying " I trusted you, I thought you were my friend " She fell down on the floor. The only thing being heard was my breathing and Pandora's sobs. 

" She killed my mother"I said with no emotions and pandra's eyes shot towards me. 

" What do you mean " She asked confused. 

It looks like it was the time to say the truth. Everyone will eventually know everything anyway. I was about to say something when I heard footsteps coming. Both our eyes were glued to the door waiting to know who it was. 

The door was pushed open revealing elder Acacius. Now I was taken aback . 

" I know you must be shocked to see me and it's fine but I will explain everything I have come to say here " Elder Acacius looked at pandra " Don't worry girl nothing will happen to you I promise you"

" How sure are you elder Acacius? "

" Because zephrya will save you, right child " They both looked at me waiting for my answer. 

" Anyway that aside and don't worry about the guards or anything I have handled it all and I will have enough time to explain everything "

" Zephrya Dankworth alpha of blue moon pack I welcome you to the dark moon pack though you were not given the proper treatment needed" Pandra looked at me with wide eyes and only looked at elder Acacius blankly. He knew me from the start but how? I thought I was good with hiding myself. 

" You must be wondering how I know right? Well I won't bite around the bush let me go straight to the point.  Am Elvina's friend " That was the Omega who took care of me and was also killed later.  When I nodded elder Acacius went on. 

" Before she died I promised to take care of the heir of the Dankworth family and save her from everyone and I did that watching you grow from a distance, I watched every move of yours and made sure you stayed away from trouble but that was not the case because you always got yourself in trouble " He let out a light chuckle " I came to check on you buto you were not there when I came back to the pack the alpha announced Fernanda's cousin was here and by my surprise it was zephrya and I knew it was non other than your"

" But how come I never felt or smelt you even one bit? " I asked not trying to hide the shock in my voice. 

" Just as you have the power to mask up your scent, Elvina taught  me how to make a potion to mark up my scent and many more and about Odessa you really did a good job am proud of you, she was my luna but she didn't  have the right to kill sapphira "

And that came to my mind " Odessa knew I was an alpha from the day I came here "

" Yes I know because she is part of your family and family members can sense each other no matter how good you mask your scent or anything else your family members will know "

What was that I guess I was not hearing it well, Odessa was part of my family but how? And why? For what damn reason? Why would such a person be part of us? And if she was family why did she kill my mother? 

Just as I was about to ask the door was pushed open revealing calico his hands behind him. 

" Elder Acacius I believe you are not suppose to be here, right? " He asked raising an eyebrow. 

" Right" Elder Acacius stood up and walked out of the door but not before staring at calico. 

Calico didn't even look at me or pandra and walked out of the room. 


The next day . .. 

It was time for pandra to be beheaded and I was not letting that happen not on my watch. 

" Zephrya I don't want to die at least not like that " Pandra was crying. 

" I know I won't let you die" I said stroking her hair. 

" You promise "

" Yes I promise you nothing will happen "

The guard came in and took pandra away not caring about her screams. 

" It won't be good if your partner in crime was being beheaded and you are here so I will give you the privilege to watch her" Calico said dragging me out of the cell and I didn't resist letting him drag me. 

We reached at an assembly square and calico let go of me, it's like the entire pack was there. Pandra was kneeling on the middle with a warrior besides her holding a sword, the elders where sitting just far away from the people and stage with the alpha family besides them. 

" We shall now witness the death of a murderer who killed our luna" The warrior announced  " Do you have any last words to say? " warrior asked pandra and she only shook her head. 

The warrior looked at calico and he only nodded his head telling him to go ahead. I can't let this happen pandra is my only friend and I can't let her die for my own doings.  Just as the sword was about to meet with pandra's head I ran in full speed appearing in front of themthem pushing the warrior away from pandra. 

By now I knew my alpha aura could be felt and I didn't care, everyone's eyes were glued on me. I always wanted attention but not this kind. 


Word count:1200

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