Chapter 4

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Zephyra's POV

Last night came as a total blow to me. I still have not gotten over it. 

After Odessa left me in my room, I teleported to my castle and slept there. I needed to cool my mind, somewhere I felt safe. 

I made it my goal to ask pandra some questions relating to Fernanda and I should be alerted just in case they all know and  it's time to disappear. 

I Woke up early in the morning around five and took a hot bath.after I was done I put on fresh  pj's and walked to pandra's  room she was still asleep. Should I wake her up? Or wait until she wakes up? But that would take long. 

" Pandra?" I whispered in a low voice and she only hamed . 

" Pandra wake up" I said a little bit loud shaking her.  After struggling for long she finally woke up. Stretching her self as  she rubbed her eyes forcely.

I waited for pandra to notice me which she did and only frowned at my presence. " Really zephyra? Why did you wake me up? I am still  sleepy let  me go back to bed"

" Hell no " i shouted stopping her from lying back down. 

" Pandra I will let you have your sleep but for now I need you to help me with something " I said with pleading eyes. 

" Which is? " Pandra asked raising her eye brow. 

" I want you to tell me  about Fernanda anything you know " I said hoping pandra would tell me what I need to know. 

" But why do you want to know? I thought she was your cousin ? " 

" Yes she is but we were never that close I only came back a few days ago until I was told to come here. Pandra don't do this to me please help "

" Okay fine I will tell you whatever you want to know "

" Okay go on" 

Pandra sighed " Fernanda is an event organizer, she was the one who planned Jasper's party alpha calico's friend. I don't know the rest but the only thing I know is that Fernanda and alpha calico fell in love. They have been together for the past five years now. Fernanda turned out to be pregnant and alpha calico was happy and was waiting for Fernanda to come back. But after what you told him last night really broke him. And why did Fernanda hide something important from all of us? "

" But how did Fernanda end up pregnant? What if alpha calico finds a mate?"

" Well Fernanda was alpha calico's mate. Don't you know alphas here can choose their mates just like Dax and Odessa "

" But if he is her mate shouldn't calico know if something is wrong with her"

" Yes he can sense if Something has happened to his mate because of the matebond "

Now I knew I fell in my own trap, calico knows something and I have been thinking I outsmarted them but hell no it was the opposite. I let out a frustrated sigh. I will not turn out weak no matter what. I will face the yalllow family. 

" Zephyra are you okay " Pandra asked putting her hand on my shoulder. 

" Yes pandra anyway thank you for the information but I have work to do,catch up later enjoy your sleep " With that I stood up and walked out of the room. 


I spent the entire day in my room going through the file with different decorations ideas. I came across a picture with the deco gold and black I liked it I flipped the page and the other one had white and black it looked amazing and I thought I should show the brothers and the twins came to mind. 

I got all the files and walked down stairs, luckily I didn't have to look any further the twins where  on the sofa in the sitting room. 

" Hello guys, hope I didn't ruin your moment "

" Hey zephyra nice to see you thought I won't see you today after what happened yesterday anyway you didn't ruin anything we were just watching some anime that's it "  Margo said and I only nodded. 

" So what brings you here, I believe it's important? " Matson questioned. 

" Oh yes I wanted the both of you to loook at this and tell me what you think " I said sitting on the middle the twins each side. I opened the file I had,showing the Decorations I went through moments ago. 

We looked at them and we all liked the white and black decorations, everyone would follow the theme all will be dressed in white or black.i hope I will do a nice job. 

" Wow zephyra hope you will be able to manage all this my mom will be leaving with dad tomorrow morning and won't be back till night. That's enough time for you to be done with all the preparations right?" 

" Yes Matson I will make sure this pack house is decorated beautiful" 

" Good "


Word count: 858

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