Jealous? (Tumblr)

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Warnings: Angry sex, jealous draco, mouth spitting, dirty talk.

Harry and I had been good friends since we sat together on the train our first year of Hogwarts. While I wasn't part of the trio I was still a good friend of Harry's which really rubbed Draco the wrong way.

Lately I had been spending a lot of time with Harry because he was needing some advice about Ginny from someone who wasn't so close to her. Mostly he needed to get out, so most of the time we would walk around the black lake in order for him to clear his mind.

Today was just like every other. It was a lovely spring day and Harry was unsure of how to get Ginny's attention.

"Why don't you just buy her flowers!" I said after already suggesting poetry, chocolate and just plainly asking her out.

"I don't want to be so direct!" He exclaimed. "If she doesn't wanna go out with me I gotta play it cool or I'll never live it down!"

"Sometimes you have to put your heart on the line!" I said.

"What about you and that git Malfoy huh? How did you end up with a guy like him?"

Harry! I know you and Malfoy aren't the best of friends but he's sweet to me and for your information he won me over using poetry, chocolate, flowers and asking me out!" I laughed.

Before Harry could come back with a sly remark thunder rumbled and almost as if we were in a muggle cartoon it started to rain cats and dogs.

"Bloody hell!" I said.

"Let's get back home," Harry laughed.

We started off right away towards the courtyard which ended up being a lot farther away than we remembered. The rain started to soak through my white school dress shirt causing me to shiver.

"Of course!" I sighed crossing my arms over my chest trying to conceal my black bra that was showing through and keep myself warm.

"Here take this," Harry said holding out his quidditch zip up. I looked at the back 'POTTER' was written in big yellow letters. I knew I didn't dare wear it in front of Draco but I also wouldn't dare walk into school with my bra showing through my shirt. So I took his sweater and slid it on.

When we got to the castle not a student was in the courtyard. Though I saw a dark figure standing in the doorway. When I got there I knew all too well it was my over protective boyfriend.

"Thank merlin I thought I was going to have to go out there and find you," He said pulling me into the entrance and out of the rain.

"I'm okay just wet," I giggled.

"What the bloody hell are you wearing?" he said.

"Harry let me borrow it," I rolled my eyes at his jealousy.

"Take the bloody thing off!" He said ripping it off my shoulders and throwing it at Harry.

"Would you rather her freeze?" Harry said getting pissed.

"Why don't you stop trying to mark what isn't yours Potter?" Draco said getting in Harry's face. I had seen him and Harry quarrel many times these last few years but I had never seen Draco like this before.

"Draco that's enough," I said putting my hand on his shoulder scared of what might happen next if I didn't step in.

"Shove off Malfoy," Harry said stepping towards Draco.

"You dare to-" Draco started.

"Draco that's enough lets go!" I said pulling his arm. It was finally enough to pull him out of his trance. We started down the corridor but not without Draco throwing his arm around my shoulders and shooting Harry a death glare.

When we returned to Draco's dorm he slammed the door so hard he nearly broke it.

"What is your problem?" I yelled tired of his childish behavior.

He stopped his pacing and quickly backed me into a wall/

"All you've done all week is go on walks with Potter and today you come back wearing his sweatshirt?" He spat. I knew where this was going and the excitement rose between my legs.

"You're such a jealous fuck," I shook my head.

"You're mine," he said placing his hand on my throat. "Get on your knees you slut." he said pushing me down.

I kept eye contact as I unbuckled his trousers and peeled his boxers off his body.

"Suck," he commanded.

I gripped his hard cock in my hand and began to kitten lick his tip driving him crazy.

"Stop teasing y/n" he said staring me down.

I didn't give in though. Instead I acted as if I could only take his head, which we both knew wasn't true. This of course pissed him off even more. He grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock down my throat letting out a sinful moan.

"That's a good girl," He said fucking my face. "Be the good little cock slut we know you are."

I whimpered as his words went straight to my heat.

"You like it when I fuck your face like this huh?" He said causing me to nod my head as best I could. "Yeah you do you little whore, just love to be used."

It wasn't long until he was close to cumming.

"Don't swallow yet, keep it in your mouth." he said just before spilling his seed into my mouth. I could feel his cum sitting in my mouth as I waiting for further instructions.

"Open," He said squeezing my cheeks together so I had no choice but to obey. He checked to make sure that his cum was still sitting in my mouth before spitting in my mouth. "Swallow,"

I did as I was told and swallowed opening my mouth to show him.

"Good girl," He said grabbing my chin, pulling me up and throwing me towards the bed.

He started to undress me at a pace I had never seen before. He waisted no time pushing himself in starting at a brutal pace.

"Ah Draco!" I screamed.

"You like that?" He said fucking me even harder.

"y-yes!" I stuttered.

"Can Potter fuck you this good?" He said burying his head in my neck leaving hickeys wherever he could.

"No Draco! Only you!" I cried out.

"Who's pussy is this?" He said biting down on my shoulder leaving another mark.

"Yours!" I screamed feeling the knot in my stomach form.

"Louder!" He yelled sitting so he could see my face when I come.

"It's your pussy Draco!" I screamed feeling myself get near the edge.

"That's my girl," He said reaching down to rub my clit sending me over the edge. He followed suit throwing his head back so I could get a view of his Adams apple before he collapsed next to me.

It took me a minute to catch my breath before I could speak again.

"You know I love you and only you right?" I said still breathless.

"Of course love, I just can't help but get a little jealous when I see a beautiful dame like you being so close with the chosen one," he rolled his eyes.

"He can't be the chosen one when I choose you everyday," I smiled.

"You know what I mean," He laughed before rolling over and walking over to his closet.

"what are you doing?" I asked.

He pulled out an emerald green sweater with 'MALFOY' printed on the back in gray letters.

"You'll wear this tomorrow," He said handing it to me.

"thank god, green is more my color." I said pulling it close to my chest admiring how it smelled like him.

"Damn right it is. I can't wait to fuck you in that tomorrow night." he said getting back in bed pulling me into him so I was laying in his chest.

"That's funny I can't wait either,"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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