Protection (Tumblr)

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Warnings: Bro Draco gets angry. Cursing, mentions of assault (does not go into detail at all), please read with caution! Also Oral (f receiving) And fingering bc Draco is a SIMP!

You begged Draco to agree to you two going to the slytherin ball. "Y/n, you know I'm not a social person. I'm already around those bloody people enough in class."

"Draco please." you begged, batting your eyelashes. Draco pursed his lips, and exhaled through his nose. "Fine." a reluctant Draco responded. You giggle with excitement, clapping your hands. You quickly get up on your tip-toes to kiss him on his cheek. Draco gives a small smile, but you can tell he regretted his decision. "I'm gonna go get ready." You beamed.

You slipped on a very short, dark green dress. It was a bishop sleeved dress, with a cut out above your stomach, with a knot tying the fabric together. You put on dark grey tights, and black heels. You smoothed the dress down your waist, and smiled in the mirror. Draco came into the bedroom, and leaned in the doorframe. You didn't notice him for a moment, not until he spoke. "Melvins beard." He muttered. You turned around, facing him and smiled. "Do you like it?" you implored him.

"Like it? You look..ravishing." Draco purrs. He walks closer to you, his big hands settle on your waist. He started you up and down as if his eyes were glued to you. "You know," you began. "You look quite sharp yourself." Draco was wearing his all black suit, with the Slytherin pendent on the left side of his chest, glimmering in the candle light in your bedroom.


You and Draco arrived to the ballroom. Everyone in your house had already arrived, all in their own cliques talking with drinks in their hand, presumably pumpkin juice. Draco has his hand in your waist, nodding to his Quidditch team members. Some of them, happened to lay eyes on you. You assumed Draco had noticed their eyes of hunger for his girl, because he mumbled something about hexing them before they can even think about their next practice.

You spot your friends, Daphne Greengrass with Pansy Parkinson. "Draco, I'm gonna go say hi to the girls, okay?" You announced. Draco looked down on you with concern. "Y/N, I don't know if that's a good idea." Draco expressed, his eyes now gazing the crowd full of Slytherins, mostly observing the male classmates. You huffed. "I can handle myself, Draco." You begged. "Fine. But stay where I can see you." Draco grumbled. "You sound like my dad." You muttered back to him as you were walking away.

You tap Daphne on the shoulder, she turned around and gasped. "Look at the hottie of the night!" she beamed at you. Pansy smiled and gave you a small wave, which you returned. You and the girls gossiped about peers, specifically about who they were with, or, more importantly; the ones who arrived alone. That's when Daphne's eyes land on Theodore Nott.

"I've heard interesting things about him, Theodore." Daphne noted. "Yeah? Like what?" Pansy questioned Daphne. "Just that he can be very manipulative, almost like he puts a spell on everyone he talks to," Daphne replied. You tilted your head in curiosity at Daphne. "A spell?" You prodded. Daphne nodded in response. "Nobody has ever said 'no' to him, I don't think he knows what it means." Daphne said in a shudder. "Not a good dude. I mean, I know us Slytherin's don't have an exactly shiny reputation; but that's not what I personally stand for." Daphne asserted. You and Pansy nodded in agreeance. You took a moment to look for Draco; you seemed to be in a very interesting conversation with Blaise Zabini. You smiled at the sight of Draco actually enjoying himself. "Shall we go get drinks?" Pansy suggested. You and Daphne nodded, and you all went to the bar.


It was about 30 minutes into your totally-not-spiked pumpkin juice, Daphne and Pansy went off to the restroom, when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and jolted in your seat as you noticed who it was. Theodore Nott. He smiled at you, it was a sour smile. Not friendly or genuine. Mischief was behind it. "Theodore, is it?" You proceeded cautiously. "My my, I am surely worthy if someone like you knows my name." Theodore said maliciously. "Well, that depends of the reason." You snapped back, turning around towards your drink, your back now facing him. Almost immediately, Theodore gripped the bottom of your seat and spun you back around. "Excuse me!" You cautioned, as you were gripping the bottom of your seat to steady yourself, they landed on top of Theodore's, who took it as an opportunity to roughly grasp them. You try to pull away, but his grip doesn't weaken. "Hands off!" You spat, struggling out of his grip, he finally lets go, trying to not cause a scene. "Y/N, I always, always get what I want, you know." Theodore said with a tone of confidence. You rolled your eyes. "Not from me, I already have someone, thanks." You replied. Theodore chuckled. "That excuse won't keep me from you, doll."

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