Chapter 27 | You Look Beautiful In White

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Shawn: GET HIS ASS OUT OF HERE!!!! WRONG SHOOOOW!!!! WE'RE NOT SELL OUT!!! All though I do like those movies... Oh... Hello readers! I'm not sorry about the pacing of last chapter and this chapter! I'm getting small lore implications out of the way! So we can get back into the normal rhythm and pace of the story again!

Cowpens: Hey! Just so you guys know! The pacing of how the story telling is delivered! After this chapter! Will be how it was about 10 chapters ago... Just less fighting focus of course. :P

---Next Morning---

---Hornet Point Of View---

Limping my bad leg into the kitchen, a hand in front my mouth, yawning, and an obviously still tired look on my face. I had this funny walk about me this morning. A byproduct of last night's activities~ Greeting my sisters as I reached the table. Food already laid on plates in the center to be portioned out. "Morning, what's for breakfast?" Scooting back my seat by my niece Enty Jr, and Enterprise, sitting down. Rubbing the back of my head with my eyes closed, they answered whilst they all stared out how my hair was laid down, rather than in two pony tails like I usually do. I hadn't fixed it since last night. "Just the usual, nothing to fancy~" Yorktown happily answered, followed by Enty Jr looking up at me and asking what was already on their minds. "Auntie! You're hair's broken!" I blush a little bit, realizing I'd been caught with my hair looking like my sisters! "Oh! That? I decided to let it down before bed, I guess I completely forgot to put my hair pins back in!" I admit making a little white lie of an excuse! I couldn't just say WHAT it was to Enty Jr!

"Oooh! I thought your hair was broken!" Enty Innocently spoke, not aware that my hair is normally like this if I don't do something with it or fix it in the mornings. Grabbing a fork, and taking sausage links, bacon, eggs, and toast from the plates Yorktown had made, I begin to eat. "You're wearing a T-shirt this morning?" Enterprise's husband asks with surprise, I NEVER wear shirts that cover my stomach or cleavage. It's just not my style. I stop between bites, rubbing the back of my head as I blushed a bit, not wanting to admit that I was hiding hickey marks along my chest. "Hey! I wear T-shirts once in a while!" I proclaim, "It's just not often!" I add continuing to eat. As Enterprise pressed a finger against a hickey mark along my upper neck that was along the side. I glanced over towards her, seeing that protective sisterly look growing on her face. I shut her down fast with a frustrated tone! Swatting her hand away. "Q-Quit it!"

Yorktown glanced over at Enterprise, not yet seeing what it was She had noticed. She doesn't speak, she just stared intensely at the hickey mark, with a growing look of sisterly protective nature. "Don't you dare start!" I complain, swatting her fingers off my neck again. "I thought you'd have more sense than that" Enterprise tries not to actually call out what it is she's noticed or what implications it had with her daughter in room. Picking up on the situation, her husband stands up, and lifts Enty Jr Out of her seat, taking her plate with his other hand. Carrying her out of the kitchen. "umm... What's going on?" Yorktown asks, with a confused tone, she still hadn't noticed. I spoke, but was interrupted by Enterprise, firmly grabbing beneath my chin and turning my head so Yorktown could see it. "Nothi-" Seeing the hickey mark, Yorktown had a calmer reaction, clearly a bit annoyed by it, and not approving of it, but a far less protective look in her eyes. I'd call it a lenient mothers concerned look. I slap Enterprise hand off my chin, and angrily glare over at her, facing Yorktown.

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