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Hi guys! So uhm snack giver, hand out snacks in the comments because we are gonna be here for a while.

Security guard, please watch out for the police.

Front desk, you're good I think everyone is here.

And bitch beaters, if y'all don't see any bitches you can be peaceful. And if you do...they have a long day/night ahead of them

WELCOME! I'm so excited to traumatize you by being your therapist (I'm kidding, really)

Anywho, I'm gonna do a question of the week here and y'all can reply. After you reply,
like someone's post (yes only ONE person's) because you liked their response. The answer with the most likes gets a shoutout in the next chapter!

Question of the week: What is the weirdest thing that you've done to a random stranger?

I've actually flirted with some, but in real life, I think the weirdest I've done is probably accidentally wave to them lol. And maybe possibly also sell them lemonade.

Also, if you need therapy, DM me :D. If you'd like to share it publicly here too, that's fine, but I think that therapy is more private and you probably don't want 50 people reading what you have to say, but it's your choice :D

Question of the week:

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