CHAPTER 16 - The Reckoning

Start from the beginning

During the fight, a combination of both curse and enchantment had been revealed in Alexander's knowledge. If timed correctly, he could cast the spell and capture the Dark Prince in a mental labyrinth conjured up by his own guilt and fears.

"Easier said than done." So far Lucifer was leaving no openings for capture; Alexander would need a major distraction to break through... "That's it!"

Alexander flew straight for the Dark Prince, whose reaction was to flay head first as well. Just as they were about to collide, Alexander used a split second to maneuver his blade down Lucifer's and pushed his body weight with it, forcing the Dark Prince to use both hands to hold the sword. Then when he was sure Lucifer was using all his strength to push back up against Alexander's blade, he turned it diagonally and caused the Dark Prince to literally raise both hands in the air, leaving the opening Alexander needed. Alexander drew back his right hand, sword in his left, opened his palm and then pushed, pressing into Lucifer's bare chest, "Got ya!" Alexander smiled as the Dark Prince's face was filled with shock and recognition, realizing that he had been deceived.

"You see," Alexander said as he put the spell in place, "you already did half the work for me by going shirtless and losing your cool. Because we both know that if you remained calm you would've outsmarted me instead. And let's not forget you leaving this nice little opening for me. So now this is what's going to happen. I'm going to remove your mind from your body and keep it imprisoned somewhere special just for you. But as for the rest of you...death is the only kindness I can grant it."

A flash of blue signified Alexander's reappearance in the court of Tartarus. He looked up just in time to see Arianne changing back from a horned demon. Please tell me that's not what I'll be waking up to one morning, he thought to himself as he walked towards his and Leliel's comrades.

"Word of advice dude," said Shift, "do not, under any circumstances, piss off your girlfriend."

"We're not together." Both Alexander and Arianne replied simultaneously.

Ráebella laughed before she shook her head and spoke, "You are both just too adorable. Anyway, if you all don't mind, the rest of us have lives to get back to. Ciao!" One by one, the Dh'Arch Angels vanished.

"So guys, where will our next crazy adventure take us?" Dennis asked sarcastically.

"Now you must return to Earth." Seth appeared by the large, now charcoal smudged, doors.

"Oh now he shows up. That explains how you survived so long, being the first Arch Mage and all." Dennis scoffed, "Pathetic."

"This was not my battle to fight." Seth defended.

"And since when does an Arch Mage get to choose their battles? Isn't it your duty to protect the entire universe?!"

"We cannot be expected to fight your battles for you. Otherwise your growth as individual entities, and as comrades, cannot be possible. It is through defending oneself and each other that you will strengthen your bonds. And of course come out with a few honorable scars." Seth indicated the gash on Nexus' left arm, Tartarus had gotten in a lucky blow but in the end it was Nexus who survived as the victor.

"Bonds? So we're talking Naruto now?"

"Dennis!" Alexander's voice echoed across the room, "Enough!" He then returned his attention to Seth, "What's happening on Earth?"

"Do you know of something called The Reckoning?" Seth asked.

Alexander began to say no, which was a first for even his universal knowledge, but the Arianne and Leliel gasped. Those three occurrences were enough to set off the alarms in Alexander's instincts on full alert, turning his eyes blue and making his sword hum with power, "What is it?"

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