CHAPTER 15 - Original Sin

Start from the beginning

Nexus had felt when Tartarus' power returned to the realm of existence. He felt it take form and focus, even felt it surge then tame itself. The Titan was not dead after all. No worries, he had taken down a few Titans himself, though the same could not be said for his comrades, so he would have to face this one alone. Drawing his sword from its sheath, Nexus gripped its hilt tightly in anticipation, focusing his entire being on the Titan's aura, his wings shifting with eagerness. Then Nexus called upon his natural powers, his true strength, and let out a breath of dark satisfaction.

Leliel waited, silently praying to the Universe. No longer did she pray to the Tripartite, they had long disowned her. Still, had they not, she would not have been chosen to serve a higher power. And now she reached out to that power, the Essence of Love adding to her plea. Primordial One, creator of all, we seek your guidance. Allow me access to thy strength that I may vanquish thine enemies. So mote it be. As usual, whispers filled Leliel's soul and strengthened her. Now she could feel the presence of every being in the castle, nine of which she knew all too well. "Traitors." The sound left her lips in a low curse of her native tongue. Such beings were what the Dh'Arch Angels pursued and eliminated, tonight she would ensure they did not escape. Mentally, Leliel notified the other Dh'Arch Angels and they all agreed to be there as quickly as they could.

Arianne held on to Alexander's left hand, his hold tightening as he touched the doors with his right. She could feel his fear, his uncertainty, and felt as he became empowered by some sort of untapped courage. But she could also feel something else, "Tartarus..." She whispered as she recognized her cousin's auric signature. She knew then that they were in true danger, for her cousin was one of pure evil's many incarnations. Arianne was afraid... But then she felt something more powerful behind her, something ancient. It was Nexus, she knew. She also knew of his past, he would indeed be able to stop her cousin. Arianne relaxed, but not too much, because there was still the matter of Lucifer and his nine generals. As Alexander applied pressure to the doors, she gave his hand a quick reassuring squeeze.

Alexander placed his right hand on the line between the large doors and waited. Power radiated from inside, evil and perpetually dark. It reached out to him, seeped from the walls and dripped from the ceiling. Death was beyond these doors, but there was no turning back, not now. With one last deep breath, Alexander pushed at the doors and they opened slowly, a red light crawling through the opening...

The Royal Court was made of black walls, a black ceiling, and a black floor. In the centre of that floor, stood nine of the deadliest looking men Alexander had ever seen – even in the movies! The red glow of the archaic chandelier bathed them in a lethal glow that accentuated their evil grins. Behind them, sat Lucifer, Alexander's knowledge identifying him immediately and then placing the names of the nine men: Bael, Paimon, Beleth, Purson, Asmoday, Vine, Balam, Zagan and Belial. Finally, in the dark of a corner on the right, was a being that leaned on the wall with his arms folded and his head down. As the being slowly raised his head and revealed his blood-red eyes, Alexander knew his name and -regrettably- his past, Tartarus.

Lucifer clapped his black gloved hands in applause as he rose from his throne, "I must congratulate your stupidity for coming here in the first place, as well as your naivety for making it this far." He stepped down and rested his left hand on the hilt of his sword, "Fear not, I shan't be feasting on neither of your pathetic souls this day... all but one." The Dark Prince drew his sword and pointed the tip of its blackened and blood-stained blade towards Leliel.

Before Leliel could reply, Alexander and the others came to stand before her, shielding her. That gesture alone gave her even more strength as she found herself being protected by friends, not like her comrades, but real friends who protected her out of obligation rather than responsibility. "The only thing you'll be having is your tongue, Traitor!" Leliel retorted loudly.

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