CHAPTER 14 - Carpe Momento

Start from the beginning

All throughout the valley, the Darklyns that once seemed an endless invasion, soon dwindled into small fleeing groups who were then caught by Shift and Kryssana. As the last Darklyn was killed by Nexus, they regrouped in the middle of the valley; Black oil-like blood stained their torn clothes, armor and scarred bodies. A few of Nexus' wings were noticeably ruffled.

"So, anyone wanna tell me what the hell's going on?" Said Shift as they left the forest in silence, no one seemed to want to talk about how short their lives were beginning to feel. "And yes, I did intend all manner of punning when I mentioned hell. Since some psychotic shadow just mentioned being the right hand man of Lucifer."

"We know." Alexander's and Leliel's retort came simultaneously. Leliel explained to them what had happened with her and Alexander earlier when they were targeted by demons while meeting with her comrades.

"I say we toss her to the angry demon king in the basement and move on with less trouble in our lives." Dennis' frustration was not lost on them.

"We can't do that – I can't do that." said Alexander as he stepped over another Darklyn corpse. "I'll just have to deal with him myself."

"No you don't." Leliel had no intention of letting Alexander commit suicide on her behalf, not when the Universe needed him most. "I'm not about to let anyone fight my battles."

"Then why are you fighting mine?" Alexander challenged, "Look, you were my Guardian Angel, which means you've been fighting for me as long as I've been alive; so now it's time I returned that favor."

Arianne felt proud that Alexander was maturing into the being he was destined to be, but she knew her role in his life was only meant to be by his side and never in his heart. "I'll go with him. No one knows the Underworlds better than I do." And I'll kill anyone or thing that even scratches him, she didn't say it, but Arianne meant it.

"I'm going too." Nexus had seen his fare share of men and women who fought with unchallengeable spirits, and at that moment Alexander held that same fire in his eyes.

Shift and Kryssana looked at each other then nodded before Shift spoke, "You can always count us in for a suicide dash."

Leliel shook her head, trying hard to conceal the smile she knew her heart held, because only Alexander could befriend such a group and inspire such loyalty, "You're all stark raving mad and irrationally reckless... but those are the only things that self-proclaimed regal twat won't be expecting."

They all looked to Dennis for his own decision, and it was a full minute before he finally spoke, "If I die, I'm coming back just to make you all feel guilty for your stupidity."

Contrary to popular belief, Hell does not have nine levels nor does it have thirteen circles. In fact, thirteen is a holy number. Hell is and always has been, one, big, castle. Its true name is known only to three beings in all of existence: Lucifer, Peter, and Lilith. Others only knew its Latin name, Tartarus. The walls that built and held the Dark Prince's fortress was constructed out of nothing but bones cemented with human fat: the bones of those sacrificed to Lucifer by his earthly followers, those fools.

Lucifer sat by the side of his bed while his brides pleased each other and themselves. Wearing nothing but a pair of black leather pants, his golden eyes gazed intently into the floor as though he searched for something. Having once been the Captain of Anaphaxeton's High Order of Knights, Lucifer had fair skin and golden blonde hair that had become a stark contrast to his now ever present rebellious demeanor. The one thing he hid from even those who thought they were closest to him, were his wings.

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