New Perspectives (part 2)

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hello beautiful~ i made more! um Trigger Warning! cause Panic at the Everywhere attack! idk how others get when having and anxiety or panic attack but i described it how I get when it happens to me. if that makes you uncomfy sorry might wanna skip this one. ill summarize what happens at the end if you wanna know what happens but dont wanna read it.

Jake POV:

I kissed him. I kissed him and he kissed me back. Never did I think that I would be caught in the way he caught me. Not only did he barely speak English. This man was not a man at all he was an Elven Drow. said to the one of the most vile creatures in existence. Yet he kissed me back. He smiled in the sunlight. And he didn't kill one bit. I brush strands of snow white hair out of his flushed face. His blue eyes seem hazy as he wraps his brain around what just happened. He mumbles something in his language and fidgets with my shirt collar. I wish I could fully understand him. He seemed skittish when we first met but he seemed open to doing things my way. I wish I knew where he comes from. Was he trying to go back? Was he running away? Is something or someone after him? I cup his cheeks.

"Who are you?" I whisper to him. His cheeks flush red as our noses meet. "And why do you make me feel this way?" his lips part in question but no sound comes out. His eyes search my face trying to make sense of my words. Slowly I let him go and look away. I can't do this. I need to find out what he needs and send him on his way. He's born to kill, not love. I stand shaking my head. That's when feel his small slender fingers on my wrist. I turn to look at him. I must have a weird look on my face cause he recoils from me shrinking into himself.

"W-what?" I gave him a hard stare. What if he's baiting me. Hoping I let my guard down. Then hell strikes. Then I'm a fool for trusting such a horrid creature. Ive been warned of his kind yet here I am making friends with a murderer. I shake my head at him again walking away and out of the room. I need to clear my head.

Johnnie POV:

I don't know what I did wrong. He kissed me, not the other way around! Then why did he look so...


Was I not doing it right? I've never kissed someone before so he probably hated how I executed it. How can I be so skilled with daggers but fumble a kiss. I press my fingers to my lips still feeling his hot traces. I clench my fists and pace the room.

Did he regret it?

Did he realize I'm a good for nothing traitor?

Does he hate me because he realized I'm not good at what he wants?

Am I even what he wants?

I can't even speak his language! How was this going to work?

Can it work?

Am I lost cause?

There's no hope for me.

Ill be dead soon.

He'll leave me.

I'm alone.

I'm afraid.

I have nowhere to go.

No home.


I'm nothing..

My breath quickens and I feel my throat close up as the words fill my brain. I press my hands to the sides of my head willing my mind to shut up. My fingers intertwined with my thick hair as Ifall to my knees struggling to breath. Pins and needles dance along my cheeks. My hands shake as they grip my hair. My weak legs wobble below me. A sob escapes my throat and I feel tears running down my face. What is this.. This feeling of hopelessness. I feel like I'm drowning. My lungs scream for air but can't find it, and I can't make my body move.

Jake and JohnnieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang