Chapter 9 ~ Scrapes & Bruises

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              I wish I could say that Enzo showed up at the movies, and we got to share a bucket of popcorn, sip from the same drink, and canoodle like Anika and Damon. However, I was delusional for thinking he’d take me up on the invitation. Instead, he sent me three hundred dollars to cover my movie ticket and whatever snacks or drinks I wanted. Something tells me Enzo hasn’t been to the movies lately because it was way more than I needed.

Yet, despite him texting me that it was good to see me and he hoped I had a good night, I felt stood up. So, Anika reminded me there is one man who won’t leave me hanging. Kyle.

And she’s right.

Since our first date, we’ve spent more time together, and he’s the one chasing me. When I was with Josh, I was the pursuer, and when it comes to Enzo, I pursue him, too. Anytime he’s at Penthouse, I look for him in the crowd, lure him with my gaze, and keep him pinned with conversation so he can’t leave after two sentences. 

On Friday, I went to another dinner with him in a sparkly cocktail dress, and he carted me around, introducing me to business partners. I played the girlfriend part, hanging on his elbow and gazing at him lovingly anytime he said something clever. Although, I didn’t have to try too hard since watching Enzo work a room is like witnessing a lion charm its prey into becoming his meal. 

Then, on Sunday, I went out with Kyle and explored the Palace of Fine Arts. We made out like teenagers in hidden corners, held hands as we walked paths, and went for dinner afterward. It reminded me how much I love the beginnings of relationships when men are sweet and show you the best version of themselves.

I like Kyle—a lot. Yet, my stomach still flips anytime Enzo breathes in my direction. Keira thinks my dad’s illness is causing me to have ‘daddy issues,’ and why I'm intrigued by Enzo. 

Maybe she’s right. 

Or maybe she can mind her business.

But… therapy couldn’t hurt.

There’s a ripple of clacks as my coworkers close their lockers and throw on their jackets after a long shift. My makeup is smeared, and I'm ready to be encapsulated by my bedsheets.

“Hey, cutie. Where was your brother tonight?” Jillian smacks my butt.

“I don’t know. Was Lucas scheduled?”

“Yeah, but he swapped with Shelly at the last minute. Claimed he's sick.”

“Oh…” My brows crease. 

Lucas looked fine this morning, so either he suddenly became sick, or he lied to get out of work. Strange.

Jillian peels off her fake lashes as we make our way to the exit. “There are rumors he’s dating someone. Do you know who the lucky lady is?” 

“No.” I shake my head. 

“I heard it’s Hazel,” another dancer says.

“No way!” Jillian gasps. “Are you serious? She’s married. To a cop.”

“Mmhm, and not just any cop. It’s Mario Caruso.”

“Oh boy.” Jillian pushes through the exit door with her back, a massive grin on her face that says she loves the tea. “You better tell your brother to be careful, Mara. He doesn’t want to mess with that family.”

The frigid midnight air bites my cheeks as we step outside, so I smooth a knitted cap over my curls and ask, “What do you mean by that family?”

Jillian and the other dancer glance at each other, then back at me.

“What? Tell me,” I say.

“Where do I begin?” Jillian counts off on her fingers. “There’s Mario, who is a dirty cop with a terrible temper, then there’s Noelle, his sister, who is ex-military and rumored to be a hitwoman, and then we’ve got their father, Carmine Caruso, the brains of whatever it is criminals like him and Sammy Costello do.”

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