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Sunsets were always nice to watch. Even better when there was someone to watch it with. Finally, Jaxton had someone to watch the sunset with. He and Rose had been dating officially for two months. The school nearly had a heart attack when they showed up one morning together. He thought everyone would die when she kissed his cheek before running to the bathroom before class. 

Several girls were very upset that he chose Rose and not them. They pouted every time they saw the two of them together. It almost was like a normal relationship. Except the fact that Jaxton had to keep such a tight control of his emotions that it was draining him badly. He used to drink only one pack every day, but now, he was drinking two. One before he left his house, one after he got back. 

Rose hadn't made any ridiculous requests of Jaxton. Only thing she asked was something he was willing to do. Not anytime soon, but willing. He was wanting to know how it was as well. She'd asked him before they ever talked about turning her, she wanted to have sex. As a human. It was something that Jaxton had to calm himself down before replying to her. He didn't want to seem too excited at the thought. 

However, she caught his excitement anyway. "You've never had sex have you?" 

He froze from where he was getting a pack out. He'd taken her back to his house after school. She lied to her parents and said she had detention so they wouldn't be suspicious. Of course he's never had sex. It was 1910, he was 16 years old. Sex was something that only married couples did back then. At least 90 percent of the time. 

He didn't want to answer. He didn't want to embarrass himself. She didn't need an answer after that. "It's okay. Nothing to be ashamed of." 

He scoffed. "Yeah, sure. 130 year old virgin." He sat back on the couch beside her, letting her curl into his side. They started watching a movie as Jaxton sipped on his pack. 

"I'd like to do it before Christmas," she said casually. 

That was only two months away. She turned and rested her chin on Jaxton's chest, searching his face. "You sure?"

She nodded. Sitting up, Rose grabbed her phone that started to ring. She answered it and nodded into the phone. Jaxton heard everything. Her dad wanted her home. He'd gone to the school to pick her up and she wasn't there. They were in trouble. Crap. 

Her dad didn't yell at them. Mostly because her mother had calmed him down a little. Rose tried to explain that nothing happened, they just wanted some time alone with no little brothers snooping. In the end, they forbid Rose going over to his house. It didn't bode well with Rose. She yelled at her parents and ran up to her room, slamming the door. 

Jaxton saw himself out, driving home. Instead of going inside the house, he ran back to her house. He sneaked around until he found her window on the second floor and looked around to make sure that no one was around. He jumped with ease to the window she'd started to keep open. She was laying on her bed, arms crossed, looking very angry. 

"Rose," he whispered as he stepped into the room. 

She looked up at him and her anger melted away. "Jaxton!" She got up to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. 

"It's okay," he said softly, rubbing her back. 

"They want to control my life," she said harshly into his chest. 

"They want to protect you," he corrected, keeping an ear out for any movement in the hallway. 

Rose stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm 16, I'm not a baby anymore."

Jaxton stepped forward and sat on the bed beside her. She was staring at the floor. He gently gripped her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes. He had no idea what he was doing at this point. This was new territory. He found himself leaning forward and brushed his lips against hers. They've kissed on the cheeks before. He's even kissed her hand before. 

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