What Are We

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Jaxton watched Rose's face switch from curiosity to a frown to curiosity again. She looked from Adam to Jaxton, questions all over her face. "Why is a vampire and mortal love a myth?"

Adam shook his head. "No, it's not the vampire mortal love that's a myth. Its the baby born from that love. The reason is that many vampires that fall in pure love, they accidentally kill their mortal lovers during sex. We are way too strong for the mortals and in moments of intense emotions, like sex, we forget exactly how fragile humans can be."

Rose's eyes widened in surprise. "Vampires and humans having sex," she said with wonder, eyes going to Jaxton with a grin. 

For the first time in 130 years, Jaxton felt like prey being hunted by a predator. Only this predator had a pretty smile, making him want to let himself be captured. Unknowingly to himself, he smiled back to her. Adam hissed loudly, breaking his contact with Rose. He swallowed nervously as he looked at Adam, who glared at him much like a father did when he was disappointed in his son. 

"It's a dangerous game to play, having sex with a vampire," Adam warned, eyes darkening. 

Jaxton held his hand up in objection. "We barely know each other, Adam. We aren't going to just jump into bed with each other."

Rose looked both relieved and sad. Jaxton cocked an eyebrow at her, but said nothing. Adam ignored the looks. "Look, I'm just warning you both. The more time you spend together, the stronger the need to..." he trailed off with an intake of breath. 

"So, you're saying, if I don't stay away from Jaxton, then he will want to jump into bed with me and possibly nearly kill me from the intensity of the situation?" Rose asked doubtfully. 

Adam shrugged. "I don't know for sure. Vampires in love are rare. There's a lot of myths surrounding it. All I know for sure is that you two will be playing a very dangerous game not only with natural selection and a vampire's inner needs and wants, but also with the Elders. They do not like vampires not obeying the rules. In fact, they relish the times they get to exterminate rule breakers."

If they decided to continue whatever was sort of going on with them, it would all be trial and error. There wasn't much information, true information. Myths and legends. Adam decided to leave a little later after the storm had dissipated. Jaxton decided to walk him to the edge of the forest. 

"Jaxton, be careful," Adam warned, looked at him with large eyes. 

"I will, Adam." 

Adam used his speed to run into the forest, leaving behind wind and sprinkling water droplets on Jaxton as he left. Jaxton watched until the bushes stopped moving, then turned back to the house. Rose was at the picture of his family. She glanced back at him before turning back to look at the picture. "You look like your mother," she stated tenderly. 

Jaxton went to stand beside her and stare at the photo too. It wasn't as good as photos now, but it still gave him a memory of his family. After 130 years, he hardly remembered what they looked like, so that picture game in handy. 

"Do you want to continue -- whatever is between us?" Jaxton asked suddenly. He meant to slowly ask, but here they were. 

Rose studied him. "There's something about you that I can't stay away from." 

Jaxton looked at her. There was something about her that he couldn't stay away from either. Whether it was the 'pure love' that Adam was talking about, or simply his instincts wanting a fresh meal, he wasn't sure. One thing he knew was that he had no soul, so he didn't think he could love. Unless something changed his makeup inside, he didn't think he was capable of love or anything like it. 

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