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The unknown creature continues to move behind the trees, seemingly unaware that it is being watched. It languidly paces down its territory, occasionally scratching its neck on a larger tree to spread its scent before continuing its unplanned path.

Levi does not move until he can no longer see the animal, and even then, he slowly looks down at his human, who is still hiding away under his arm. He cocks his head to the side when he sees her palm touching the inside of his forearm, eyes worried. She can't see what caught Levi's attention from her height nor the direction the creature is, but her worry shifts to relief once Levi's tense posture relaxes a little.

She mimics him, their trust running deep in live-or-die situations. Yet, it is only after a few long minutes that he stands at his full height and stares in the direction the animals are left in. The scent travels down the heavily vegetated hill, it is the same scent from the footprint from earlier. They should leave the stream, it is not wise for them to stay there longer, in the case the carnivore returns as part of its patrol route.

The Indominus steps away from Bella, his hand accidentally bumping into her, causing her to stumble on her feet. He chirps apologetically, almost whisper-like, still aware that the far-but-still-too-close-for-comfort carnivore might hear them as something to investigate. She catches herself using his leg as leverage while the water bottles juggle inside the heavy backpack.

"Woah, careful there," She chastises him with a light slap to his leg, fully aware he did not feel anything. "If you want to play rough, please wait until we are back home," The playfulness in her voice escaped with the humid breeze. Home. When will they go back to it? Will they ever do it? They have to. They must. "Come on, let's take the water back. Did you drink enough?" She steps away from Levi, allowing him to lower himself enough for her to get on him.

In response, he snorts and turns his head away from the water. They return more cautiously this time. Bella held the bag tightly to her chest to lessen the noise and jostling they made, whilst Levi took a few steps before surveying the area with his enhanced sense of smell and infrared vision. His pale white scales matched the landscape with brown, light, and dark green patches.

Upon return, Levi lays at the entrance, legs ready to push his massive body if a threat comes, with his head held high and sense in alert. Archer busts out of the front entrance, chirping and purring as he rushes down the concrete steps. Eric peeks from the entranceway with a relieved smile on his dirtied face. The time spent with Archer wasn't bad. However, the hybrid kept patrolling up and down the corridors. Although he was assured no harm would come to him, Eric couldn't help but find the insistent clicking from one of Archer's massive claws eerie. It gave the feeling of a ticking time bomb, where the dinosaur would snap and attack Eric at any moment.

To have such a frightening-looking animal run after him, craving his warm blood, had shivers run down his body. He stands no chance of running away from a crazed Archer. He might be one of the best track runners at his school, but he is dead meat unless he can hide inside a small enough hole or climb up a thin enough tree. However, true to her word, Archer did no such thing, only pausing briefly at the doorway of their temporary sleeping quarters to verify Eric was still inside.

Archer pushes his snout against Bella, rubbing the bridge of his nose along her torso as she tries to push him away without losing balance from all the heavy water she is carrying. A chirp from Levi is enough to have Archer stop his aggressive affection. As Bella joins Eric inside the building and hands him the bag to carry, Archer notices Levi's has changed. It was already no-nonsense and high alert. However, now, it is even more serious, as if he expects something to come out of the trees and straight at them.

Archer approaches Levi on all fours with a nudge to the Indominus' side, inquiring about the change in demeanor. Levi emits a low rumble from his chest, then snarls at the direction they came from for the water. Archer's red eyes fixate in that direction as Levi continues his series of chirps and barks. As he recalls what occurred, Archer's quills visibly stand up, like the fur on a dog's back that distrusts another dog. His back curls, and his lips pull back into a snarl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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