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Eddie stops reversing when he hears heavy footsteps behind him. The Indominus Rex walks next to the car and lowers his head next to the car to look inside.

That's not a fucking T-Rex! What is that?!

No one had ever seen a pale dinosaur on any islands or heard of one. The Indominus' eye narrows onto the frightened man, its mouth-watering to eat him whole.

Eddie steps on the gas again to keep the car and trailer from sliding off the cliff's edge. The carnivore raises and bites down on the car's roof, ripping it off. Eddie screams in fear and duck to the passenger side, his foot pressing down on the gas and with his right hand on the steering wheel.

The Indominus growls in annoyance and knocks off the driver's door. Ever more afraid, Eddie grabs the tranquilizer gun, but it's stuck in the net of the car seat, making it impossible to pry it out in his state of panic. The carnivore growls again and claws out of the driver's seat, stepping on the back of the vehicle and holding it down. Then dives in to bite the male.

The man kicks in an attempt to push the dinosaur away, but it bites his legs and drags him up in the air. The Indominus tilts his head up in a hard motion, throws the man in the air, and gulps him down. Licking its lips, the carnivore stares at the car under his foot and then at the trailer it holds.

It snaps its jaws at the trailer, angry, then steps off the car. It watches as it flies down the muddy ground and off into the cliff after the damaged trailers. A loud band and explosion soon follow, with pieces of the vehicles flying. Then, satisfied with the results, the Indominus clears its throat in a victorious gurgle, gets on his fours, and walks back into his camp, licking off residual blood on his snout.

Bella naps away while she waits for Levi's return. Archer keeps his face at the entrance, though his eyes closed, he still listens for any unusual sounds aside from the rain and tropical fauna. Finally, his black eyelids slowly open with the sound of multiple footsteps crunching the many leaves and sticks, chatter, and the smell of humans, all male, sweaty and dirty. Even with the heavy rain, he could tell they were headed to the small human camp. Although the danger was low, Archer stood on his four high enough for him to change the direction he was facing, following the crowd's movements.

As the group moves further away, Archer relaxes just in time for Levi to arrive, and not even the rain is able to wash away the smell of his last feeding. The Indoraptor chirps, inquiring what the older male has done. Levi gurgles back, followed by a grunt. His hunger for human blood was satiated, so he looks visibly calmer.

Not wanting to get into any conflict with him, Archer redirects his attention to his human. Bella's eyes flutter open when she feels hot air blowing on her face. Only half of Archer's snout can comfortably accommodate inside the hut as he sniffs her.

"Morning," She groans, raising her hand to pet his nose. "Everything alright?" The short nap had restored all but a fraction of her strength, but she couldn't complain. Any amount of sleep is precious. Archer pushes against her hand. His mouth opens ever so slightly to grasp her fragile fingers delicately and pull on them. "Do we have to go?" Her voice was almost sad. She had put a handful of hours and effort into building her hut, and not too long after completion, she would have to abandon it.

Might as well get used to this. God knows how long I'll be stuck in this place.

With a tired breath of air, she accompanies her hand, using her free one to grab her things. Rain still falls from the dark cloudy skies, but less so than before. Archer lets go of her hand once she is out of the small hut. She sees Levi not too far through the night's thin rain and dark backdrop.

"You're back! Good. I assume then there is nothing serious," She comments, unintentionally more to herself as a form of assurance. "Shall we be going then? Archer is a bit pressed to get moving," True to her words, the Indoraptor is on his fours, skin and claws twitching as he surveys the area around. Levi gurgles with soft footsteps as he walks closer to her, leaning down and flushing his large snout to her side. She instinctively leans against him.

The Indominus Rex The Indoraptor And A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now