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Not that far away, the human group rested in an open area of mostly gravel ground with small puddles all around. The vast majority of the men were dead asleep, the long trek has taken its toll on them, and the much-needed rest is taken with much gratitude. Some used their backpacks as pillows, others used larger stones for a headrest, either way, almost all snored loudly in deep sleep.

One of the few that remain awake, Peter, sees Roland return with the party that went out to look for Dieter with the help of the moonlight. Only their silhouettes are visible under dim illumination. He gets up and runs over to him. Ian is not far behind and runs over.

"Did you find him?" He inquires as the men sit on a fallen log. Roland, in unushered movements, takes a drink from his canteen before responding.

"Just the parts that they didn't like. Map," Roland digs into the bag and pulls it out, using his flashlight to illuminate it. "The operations building is right down in there. About a mile and a half from the base of these cliffs," The two men listen closely.

"How do you know that?" Ian asks.

"I've seen it," Roland continues. "Now, the climb down won't be easy," A pause. "We'll let them sleep one more hour. And then we hit it," he turns his flashlight off and walks away from the two.

Not too far, Kelly and Dr. Harding are fast asleep in their propped-up tent. Their lamp is on, and the late-night snacks are spread over the thin cloth used as a layer between the rocky ground. Ian returns to the tent where his daughter is, but a low thumping catches his attention. The puddle next to him ripples with the following vibration. His pace slows down as he processes it.

Sarah wakes up easily to the low noise, taking her just a handful of seconds to connect the dots of what is causing such heavy footsteps.

"Oh, no," She whispers to herself. Her jacket, left hanging on a rope inside the tent, swings from the soft breeze and the strong vibrations. All the other men are fast asleep when even the nocturnal bird caw as the danger approaches them. She quickly picks up all the crumbs the two had left and stuffs them in a plastic bag and under the cloth to conceal the smell of food. She then turns off the lamp by the side of their head just as the Tyrannosaurus Rex leans down to sniff around the strange structure he approached.

Ian can do nothing as he watches the massive carnivore slowly slip its head inside the tent, interested in what it smells. It sniffs the hanging jacket, then nudges Sarah with its snout. She whimpers, deadly afraid that any movement or noise she makes will make the predator aware and eat her. It continues to growl, awakening Kelly.

"What is that?" There is a strange noise and something strange touching her above the covers. She turns around and sees the giant head. Sarah just barely shuts Kelly's scream with her hand before it's too loud. The dinosaur continues to smell the inside of the tent while the two are completely defenseless.

Outside, the noise catches the attention of others. The strong sleepiness slows Carter's movements and thoughts when he sits up, disturbed by the continuous growling. His body tense when he finally sees the beast right at their camp. And so, he screams in terror. All the resting men wake up from his frightened screams, taking only a second to realize the reason behind them. They all scramble to their feet in fear as Carter shouts to kill the beast in his mother language.

"Stay down, stay down! Don't move! Don't move! Don't run!" Ian's pleas fall on deaf ears as the men run away for safety. The screaming and running finally catch the attention of the T-Rex. It lifts its head but gets caught in the tent. Everyone has but a few seconds to distance themselves as it is blind and trying to get rid of the cloth covering its head. Once its vision is cleared, it roars in anger.

The Indominus Rex The Indoraptor And A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now