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ARIELLE ||   5:30 pm

"What?" Frankie said to ari,confused.

"This isn't my phone." I replied back

"How is that not your phone?"

I showed  Frankie the Lock Screen, it being a picture of two boys in yng jerseys with the name "Ellis" on the back.  I watched frankie walk towards the phone,squinting her eyes then widening them.

"What" I said in a confused manor


I thought for a second,then thinking of when I bumped into that cute boy.. I knew he was familiar.

"Don't kill me for not telling you this, you know how I was late and bumped into someone?"

She nodded.

"It might've been Isaac"

Frankie looked at me in disbelief. "YOU DIDNT TELL US?"

"I didn't think it was that important.." I said back

"Your insane" Frankie said chuckling "wait- how are you gonna get your phone back?"

"Bitch I don't know,I could call like a contact in his phone or something?"

She nodded and I proceeded to try to put in a code.


"Try like his team name or something?" Frankie said

I put it in and it worked,wow.

"I didn't think he was that un creative" I said while clicking on the messages. I searched until I found a contact named "short baller"I click on the audio call button guessing it was his brother.

"Here we go" I mumbled as me and frankie hovered over the phone,watching it ring...

ISAAC || 5:39

I was walking out of the gym,exhausted from my basketball tournament. Me,Eli,and abu. I took my phone out just to look at the white phone case,stopping in my tracks.

"Isaac,keep walking or we'll leave you here" Eli said looking back at me.

"This isn't my phone" I said 

"That's literally impossible,your just tweaking." Abu said jokingly

"Nah, I bumped into this girl and I think we switched phones by accident" 

"I-" abu started then Eli's phone began to ring. He accepted it and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" A girls voice said coming from the phone.

"Hi..." Eli said back, the awkwardness setting in.

"Do you know who......Isaac Ellis is? I think I have his phone" she said back while abu and Eli looked a little confused 

"Yeah,he's right here" Eli said 

"Does he have my phone?"  

"Yeah" I said,replying for Eli.

"Ok so I'm in the parking garage,floor two...if your still here.."

"Yeah we are, i-we'll be there soon" I said


Hey bookies I know I said that ari and Isaac willl meet this chap butttt next one trust

NOBODY GETS ME  |  Isaac EllisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora