!ot deerga I tahw t'nsi siht

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Tords pov:

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. Thankfully I had no nightmares or anything, so that was good. Getting up out of bed, I stepped in something.... Wet? Panicking I hopped back onto my bed. Was that from me? I mean, I was kinda tired last night but I'd think I'd remember doing... it. I looked down at the floor and saw spots of the glitch, f*ck! That's worse than what I thought it was. 'How the h*ll did it follow us here?' I thought to myself. I got out of bed, doing my best to avoid the spots when I heard someone yell.
"HOLY SH*T" the voice screamed, it sounded like Matt.
"I swear, if he looses another eye I'm just gonna give him to this thing." I mummbled to myself as I ran into the other room.

Matt's pov:
I shot up from the couch in a cold sweat. What the h*ll was that scream?! It sounded like a monster, but somehow also like Tom. I know he can turn into that demon thing but that sounded much much worse.
"Hello"I head a voice laugh. I looked in front of me and saw Edd sitting on the arm rest of the couch, but... this wasn't really Edd, not the one I had seen in my dream. This was the glitch version, but something was off. Its face looked like it was cracking. I screamed, Jon was woken up by my scream. Patrick somehow slept through it. The room had been mostly covered in the glitch with few spots on the walls and ground remaining, mostly only the couch and the spots on the floor where Jon and Patrick remained. The door to Tords room burst open.
"What the hap is f*ckening?" Tord yelled. Patrick finally woke up.
"The h*ll...?" He rubbed his eyes, he looked over at 'Edd'. "Oh, oh no" his facial expression dropped into one of fear and horror.
The corrupted Edd sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "How did you all survive this long?" It groaned.
"Uhhhh, .... DISTRACTION!" Tord yelled as he picked a grenade up off a near by table. He chucked it at the glitched Edd, sending them flying back and hitting the wall. All of got up, grabbing weapons as we ran out of the bunker.
The bunker began to flood with the glitch, trying to grab a hold of us. We were just barely out running it when it suddenly grabbed my leg. I let out a scream.
"It's got my leg! Help!!" I yelled as I fell to the ground and tried to kick it off or hit it with a shotgun I had grabbed. Tord grabbed one of my arms and Patrick grabbed the other, they both pulled and yanked me out of the glitches grasp. As they ran, Tord continued to drag me by one of my arms. Patrick shot at the glitch while he was in running. The glitch followed close behind us, the corrupted Edd was close as well, running with the glitch.
"Come back." The corrupted Edd laughed. Patrick shot him in the head, causing him to fall to the ground. The glitch slowly consumed him and receded into the ground. Everyone stopped to breathe.
"Finally!" Patrick cheered.
"Do you think it will come back?" Jon stammered, out of breath and tired.
"NoOoO, it's gonna forfeit and give everyone back..... WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" Tord yelled, clearly frustrated.
"Tord! Calm down, yelling at Jon isn't going to fix anything." Patrick commanded.
"CALM DOWN?! HOW THE H*LL AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN?!" Tears slowly drip from Tords eyes. "Everything has gone to sh*t and we don't know what the h*ll we are doing!" Tord tossed me by my arm, I slammed into a tree.
Patrick sighed "listen, I know things are terrible but that doesn't mean you can get mad at everyone around you."
"Wait... Tord, you had said you didn't tell anyone about that bunker right..?" Jon questioned.
Tord glared at him before groaning and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Yes, I didn't feel like dealing with others finding out about it."
"How did your friend find it then?" Jon asked, everyone went silent. We gave each other awkward glares.
"F#ck." Tord sighed "I was joking before about there being a traitor. I didn't think there actually was one!"
Patrick and Tord began to talk with each other and figure out a way to find the traitor, Jon stood a few feet away from me. He gave me odd looks.
"Matt, are you the traitor?" Jon whispered to me.
"What?!" I yelled, but Jon quickly covered my mouth so the others didn't notice.
"You've been acting off lately." He removed his hand. "You're more skittish or afraid. Anytime I try to talk to you about the glitch thing you change the subject." He gave me a cold stare.
"I'm not the traitor." I sighed. "I've been acting this way since.... I.. uh." I took a moment to think. Should I really tell him about the nightmares he's been having?
Finally deciding, I spoke. "I've been having what can be best described as nightmares. At first it was just the glitch telling me to join it in a void, but the day we got the object from the red army base and we fell asleep, I saw Paul instead. It wasn't the corrupted one either, it was the real deal. He was chained to the ground. We talked for a while but I couldn't find a way to get him out." I groaned "for the days after that, that I did sleep, I was alone in that void. Until this night, I started off alone but then I found the real Edd. I tried to question him but he kept avoiding the questions I asked. We wandered around for a while, trying to look for Tom after I told him what had been happening outside the void. We found Mark and Eduardo instead."
Jon gasped. "Are they ok?!" He yelled, Patrick and Tord looked over at us.
"What the f*ck?" Tord questioned.
"They were talking about Matt's nightmares and how he saw the people who had been corrupted." Patrick told Tord. Jon and I stared at him confused.
"How did you know?" Jon questioned.
"You guys aren't quiet." Patrick rolled his eyes.
"You've been seeing dead people?!" Tord yelled, shocked.
"They aren't dead." Jon, Patrick, and I yelled. Tord put his hands up and backed away.
"Aaaannnyywways, we should get going."
"Where should we head first?" Jon asked.
"We can probably just get the last three all at the same time if we split up. They are all basically right next to each other." Tord replied as he began to walk, the rest of us following.
"We barely survived getting the first one, I don't think splitting up would do us any good. We need to work together on this." Patrick insisted. Jon and I nodded in agreement. Tord groaned "you all are gonna get killed that way. It's every man for himself in an apocalypse."
"Says the one who helped me saved Matt." Patrick snickered, Tord gave him the middle finger in response and then shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket.

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