stnemtsujda gnikam tsuj m'I

18 0 0

??? pov:

"Ugh... f*ck, My head." I rubbed the back of my head, I felt hung over and tired. Looking around my surroundings I saw that I was sitting in a black void. "Edd? Matt?" I yelled out. No one responded, I sighed. "... Commie?"
No response again. Where the h*ll is everybody? Actually better question, where the h*ll am I? I tried to stand up but was immediately yanked back to the ground by chains that had manifested on me. There were three, one on each of my wrist, and then the last on my neck. The chains were connected to the ground and would occasionally glitch.
"The f*ck?" I whispered to myself. The chains were heavy so I couldn't stand again and they were tight. I tried to get them off for what felt like hours but they wouldn't budge. "D*mn it!" I yelled "how the h*ll am I gonna get out of here?!"
Just then I heard footsteps approaching, and Edd came towards me.
"Oh! Hi Tom!" He shouted gleefully and waved. I stared at him confused, he wasn't chained up at all! He looked like this was a normal day. Wait.... F*ck! I just remembered how I got here, it was him. The color drained from my face and my eyes went wide. Edd just stared back at me like he had no clue what was wrong, he tilted his head in 'confusion'.
"Tom? Are you alright?" Edd questioned.
"Alright?! Am I alright?! What did you f*cking do?!" I yelled, edd jumped back. He seemed startled.
"I didn't do anything?" Edd replied in a confused tone.
"Don't play dumb with me. You pulled me into that glitch sh*t!"
"Oh, I-.. uhhh that wasn't exactly me..." he mumbled as he began to fidget with his hands. I just stared at him in disbelief.
"WHAT" I stared at him in confusion. After I said that the floor began to rumble, just like when that glitch had first chased Tord.
"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!" I yelled as I tried to get up and run, only to be dragged back down by the chains
"Oh, uhhh I'm gonna go." Edd ran away. But I called out for him.
"EDD! don't leave me here you idiot!!" I screamed, but he didn't come back.








I spent days waiting there. months? years? I can't tell the time here, it doesn't matter anyways. The only thing keeping me semi sane is the Smirnoff I had in my pocket. It weirdly never ran out. But then, the ground began to rumble again and a figure emerged in front of me. I thought it was Edd for a second, it looked like a silhouette of him but it began to drip. Like it was melting. The things body glitched, it seemed to be made of that glitched blob that Edd drag me into.
"Hello there, are you enjoying your stay?" The creature laughed. Its face wasn't that detailed. Its eyes only had the vague shape of eyes with the outline being blue and the inside black. Its mouth had the outline of purple but like its eyes the inside was black. Its voice sounded like multiple layered voices. Some I actually recognize and some I didn't.

"Who the f*ck are you?" I glared, not trusting this thing.
"That doesn't matter, I won't be here long. I just need one thing from you." It laughs. I looked at it confused and slightly annoyed.
"You need something from me? What is it and why should I?" I asked. The thing laughed in response.
"I wasn't asking." It laughs. The glitched black stuff began to slowly encompass my body, covering me entirely and blocking my vision.
"WHAT THE H*ll?!" I screamed, my voice was muffled from the glitch. I tried to pull or wipe it off of me but it kept slowing my movements until I couldn't move at all anymore.
"There we go." It laughed. "Now then, this will only hurt for a second." I tried to interject but I was hit with unimaginable pain. I screamed out, it felt like I was begin ripped in half. After a few minutes I was able to see again, I looked down at my hands and saw they were the claws of my demon, but something was off. The claws were black and glitching.
"T-the h*ll?!" I screamed, my head felt like it was gonna explode as it began to form into a purple snout. The snout had black and glitching horns. Purple and pink striped horns grew from my head. I let out an ear splitting scream as my vocal cords slowly changed and my screams became roars. Collapsing to the ground, my vision went black.

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