CHAPTER 4 - Galaxia

Start from the beginning

"The connection between you and Kyra must've broken on the way." said Dora, "Your spirit could've been lost forever and left to wander."

"Wait," James interrupted, "This guy said something about The Whisperers?"

"He must've been near them." Pyro suggested, "But how?"

"We may never know..." said Saiyan in an eerie voice that sounded like it was out of a movie. Sapphira looked at him with concern, causing him to feel a little shamed, "What, am I the only one who wishes there was that creepy movie voice around for times like these?...fine."

"You'll be fully healed in a few more minutes." Said Dora, then she turned to Alexander, "Have you started training yet?"

"No," Alexander replied, "that's why I needed a Dragon, to get to The Southern Lights."

"Ah. Galicia... the third Arch Mage.But why her though, why not the first Arch Mage, Seth?"

"Because he vanished out of existence millennia ago." James replied.

"Hmmm..." Dora seemed disappointed, "Oh well, so how are the rest of you getting to The Southern Lights? I'm not looking forward to carrying're not even all humans."

"No we're not," Said Kyra, who was now feeling a little better, "but we have our own Dragons."

"Good. When are we leaving?"

"As soon as Kyra's ready to travel." said Genisis.

They all stood outside the desert entrance of the Egyptian Underworld, waiting for the sun to rise so its doors would close.

"So where are your dragons?" Alexander asked Pyro.

"Here" The voice came from in front of them, followed by the appearance of six Dragons that seemed to be just over the height of three-story buildings, and they were on all fours. Alexander shuddered to think of how huge each of them would be on their two hind legs.

"Normally, under any other circumstance, I would jumped out of my skin ran for my life. But I think I'm getting used to weird and unusual things popping out of nowhere."

"Weird and unusual?" Sapphira mocked, "What ever could he mean?" She then walked up to an aqua green Dragon and jumped all they way up to its neck, where she landed on the creature's gold reins inlaid with sapphires and emeralds.

"I can't jump that high." Alexander protested.

"Not yet you can't." Said Marius, as he and the others, James excluded, mounted their Dragons in the same manner. Marius' and Saiyan's Dragons were both white, except Saiyan's had blue streaks along its scales and a pair of straight horns. The only other Dragon with horns belonged to Pyro, who's Dragon was a deep red with a yellow under side. It had two tiny horns protruding from the ends of each of its cheeks, and three horns lined from the centre of the top of its head to the back of its head like a Mohawk. The last two Dragons, Kyra's and Genisis', were so black that it was hard it distinguish even in the hot desert sun, where there shadows began. Even their eyes where pitch black, but Alexander could tell they were looking at him.

Suddenly the Dragons seemed to bow before Alexander, muttering "Holy One."

"What the..." Said Pyro, struggling to hold on to his Dragon.

"What are they doing?" Alexander asked, "Why are they calling me that?"

"It's not you." Dora stepped away from Alexander's side, "Rise." The Dragons followed her command.

"Who exactly is your Dragon?" Saiyan asked.

"The Holy One." His Dragon replied.

"The First Wyvern." said Marius' Dragon.

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