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reze sat perched on a near rock, a few things she stole from the village this morning surrounded her, she held up two metal rods and atlas blasted them, they welded together and reze dropped them into the lake water to cool them. 

lifting her mask from her head with a hum. 

A fish... being thrown into the cove. It hits the ground and slides. reze lifts her head and carefully reach's for her axe. 

A moment later, Hiccup peeks through a gap in the rock, looking around cautiously. Nothing. Hiccup squeezes through and enters the cove.

Hiccup hears a SNORT from behind him. he turns to see the Night Fury, crouched on a rock like a stealthy panther. It descends, approaching him ready to pounce. Hiccup swallows his fear and offers the fish.

Doing so reveals the dagger at his waist. The dragon sees it.And hisses. Hiccup reaches for it, eliciting a growl. He pauses, carefully lifts it by the handle, and tosses it away. The dragon calms.

As it approaches the fish, Hiccup notices that it's missing teeth.

"Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had..." A set of razor sharp teeth emerge from its gums to grab the fish. Toothless snatches and gnashes it up, swallowing it.


The teeth retract again. Toothless presses closer with inexpectant look. Hiccup retreats nervously.

"Uh, no. No, I don't have any more. "The Fury backs Hiccup against a rock, placing himself the same position as before. The dragon closes in over him, staring blankly. A tense moment passes but then reze slowly rises to her feet. toothless snaps his head in her direction making hiccup look over.

"its you!" he spoke. toothless jumped back and reze stepped closer, her axe aimed at the boy.

"what are you doing here!" she stood up straight, shoulder tense and axe glinting in the sun.

"i- came to see the dragon!"

"where are the rest of you" reze motions her hand around, expecting a group of Vikings to pour out and attack them on the spot.

"its just me!" hiccup manages to stutter out, his eyes landing on the hidden crown under her hair and hood. 

"are you a royal?" he whispers

reze  looks at toothless and he blinks at her, lowering his head abit, reze grumble's and lowers her axe  reluctantly. 

"something like that" reze whispered. 

hiccup was putting the pieces together in his head. the two in front could speak with there eyes, even though one was human and the other a large reptile. the girl had commanded that nightmare to attack him that night. 

she seemed to have a bond with the dragon around her, and realisation hit, the mark on her back. 

"your a Targaryen!" hiccup yells, toothless jolts and looks at hiccup. 

reze looks at him and slowly steps back and turns away, hanging her axe over her shoulder she walks towards the lagoon. leaving hiccup and toothless alone. 

"and so what if i am?" she asks. 

"i thought the last was killed, up on the east coast, years ago" hiccup asks, reze reaches down, running her hands in the water, washing away the dirt from this morning. 

"that was my mother" reze spat,  from the corner of her eye she watches the pair. ready to attack the second the boy tries anything. 

"im sorry" hiccup mutters, his eyes landing on the skull on her hip. 

destiny (hiccup haddock x oc! Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora