5. Will's fifth and final proposal

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A\N: This is my final proposal from Will to Alicia! I have no idea where this one will go, Angels, but I do know that it'll be pretty special. I hope you Angels enjoy this one.


He puts his pen down and sighs, catching her just as she passes by his office, engrossed in her phone, a file in her hand, a small smile on her face. Things have been icy between them for weeks and no one in the firm knows why, except for Diane and Cary, and potentially Kalinda who knows everything about everything, and they're being tight lipped about it.

He wants to make it right with Alicia, the woman he's loved for over half of his life, but he's scared about having his heart broken yet again by the woman who has broken one too many times. He's afraid to hand it to her again. He can't go through the heartache and motions of being fine on the outside when he feels like he's being stabbed and dying on the inside.

He looks down at the piece of paper in front of him and reads the words he's written: it was Diane's idea for him to write a letter for Alicia, to tell her how much she's hurt him over the years and particularly what she said, screamed really, to him three weeks ago in front of Diane and Cary.

He rereads the letter over and over again until he's satisfied with it and folds it up and places it in an envelope, writes her name on it and puts it in his top desk drawer until he decides he wants Alicia to read it, or if he wants her to read it.

He leans back in his chair and stares at the ceiling, blindly grabbing his baseball and throwing it up and down in the air. He doesn't know weather or not if he wants to accept Alicia back into his life, or his heart, again, but he knows for some unknown reason that he can't live without her. 

He sets his ball down on the desk, his eyes moving away from the ceiling. He groans: life was so much simpler in law school, well, some of the time, when he had Alicia in his life.

God, with Alicia in his life, he thought he could do anything, before Peter Florrick entered the picture and swept her off her feet.

He thinks backs to what he wrote in the letter and decides he does want Alicia to read it but doesn't want her to only read how much she's hurt him, he wants her to see it, feel it for herself, so he picks up a law book that has been with him since 1L, the baseball and the picture and carries them, and the letter, to Alicia's empty office. he places them all on her desk and leaves, hoping that this will make her understand how much she's hurt him.


Alicia arrives back at her office with a frown. There are four new things on her desk that weren't there when she left for court this morning and they're from Will.

She'd know that baseball and law book anywhere.

She sets down her court stuff on the floor and gets a closer look at the things on the desk: there's a law book, a baseball, a picture and an envelope addressed to her on her desk. She picks up the letter before picking up the picture, holding it in her hand, tracing his infectious smile with her fingertip. She remembers when this picture was taken. It was after his baseball game, the third one of the season and  the third one he had won in a row, she had been so excited for him that she had hopped the fence after the game ended and had jumped into his arms, laughing as he spun her around.

"Congratulations, Gardner!" She squeals, hugging him once he's put her back down on her feet, steadying her when she stumbles. "Thanks, Leesh." Will smiles as he wraps an arm around her shoulders. Her friend, Jules, walks over to the with a camera and Will quickly places his baseball cap on her head just as Jules reaches them.

5 times Will proposed to Alicia and 1 time Alicia proposed to WillWhere stories live. Discover now