1. Will's first proposal

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A\N: This is a free-stying Willicia story. This is a new short story, the title says it all but this is basically where Alicia is with Will and he proposes to her five times, then Alicia proposes to him, one or two of these stories will be AUs.

This is set four years after 5x5 but Alicia didn't leave Lockhart/Gardner and Will didn't die in 5x15.

Updates will be inconsistent as usual, anyway I hope you enjoy my first chapter, Angels.


Will Gardner has always loved Alicia Cavanaugh, he loved her from the first time he set eyes on her at Georgetown all those years ago.

She had changed in the fifteen years they were apart: she was more mild, less argumentative and so unlike the Alicia he knew in college.

The Alicia he knew in college wouldn't stop arguing until she was told to stop by the professor, even not stopping then.

As more time Alicia spent around the law and in court, the more he started to see the Alicia he knew at Georgetown coming back out and he loved it.

He's broken out of his thoughts of Alicia when he sees her walking past his office, wearing a red pantsuit. She stops outside his office to talk to a fifth year associate.

He can't believe that this woman is his. He remembers the night she told him she loved him and wanted to be with him, and only him forever. 

He's still at the office, drinking coffee while working on a brief for court when a knock comes on his door, drawing him away from his laptop to the figure standing in the doorway.

It's Alicia holding a cup of coffee in her hand. She's wearing a red skirt with a black blouse, she's discarded her blazer and heels.

"You're here late." He comments, going back to his laptop. Things have been tense between the two of them since he found out she was considering leaving the firm but changed her mind at the last minute, after something changed had her mind.

"Yeah well, I'm a lawyer. I'm on a big case." She says, bringing the coffee cup to her lips. Will shuts his laptop and stares at her, even though they've not spoken much, he's noticed she's been distracted. "What's going on, Alicia?" He asks, he's worried about her, as is Diane. At first they thought it was the stress of deciding to move from Lockhart/Gardner, then choosing to stay but as time went on, the two name partners knew it was something else that's bothering Alicia. Alicia enters his office, closing the door behind her. She sighs heavily, looking right at him.

"I asked Peter for a divorce." She tells him quickly, Will is out of his chair and is hugging her for the first time in months. Alicia places her coffee cup on the end table and hugs him back.

"God, I'm so sorry, Leesh." Will whispers. He can't remember the last time he called her Leesh before today. Alicia pulls away from him a little bit. "Don't be, it's long overdue. I realised that I can't be married to him anymore." She says, looking into his eyes. She gives him a small smile.

"I can't be married to a man I don't love anymore, Will, it's not fair to either of us, I know I should have divorced him five years ago, but I couldn't do it to Grace or Zach, or even to myself when it happened." Will sighs in understanding. He knew why she couldn't divorce Peter when he was first arrested: it would have put them all back in the headlines and that's the last thing Alicia needed or wanted at that time in her life.

"Will, I need to say something but I need you not to interrupt me until after I've finished." She requests, stepping out of his hug. He knows her tone and knows he can only oblige with or risk being sued by his former best friend.

5 times Will proposed to Alicia and 1 time Alicia proposed to WillWhere stories live. Discover now