3. Will's third proposal

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A\N: This is Will's third proposal and it's a little be different than the previous 2 proposals. I hope you enjoy this Willicia proposal, Angels.


The last thing he sees as he gives into the death that starts to takes a hold of him is Alicia.

Alicia Cavanaugh, the Alicia he got to know and love at Georgetown 20 years ago.

He's walking up the snow covered driveway, one arm wrapped around her waist and his other hand pulling her suitcase with his duffel bag over her suitcase handle. She leans into him as the wind whips around them, slapping them in their faces. It's freezing in Chicago but they had expected it to be. It's always cold in Chicago, or so he's been told by her.

The house is up ahead and he suddenly stops, nervous to go inside and meet her father and younger brother for the first time in the 2 years they've been together. A chuckle leaves her lips. "Oh come on, Will. It'll be fine. I promise. They want to meet you." Alicia Cavanaugh, his girl, says as she pulls him towards the house, giggling like a child. He knows why she's so excited for him to meet her family, particularly her father.

The front door opens and Alicia squeals before letting go of his hand and she goes running into her fathers open arms.

"Daddy!" She squeals as he lifts her up and swings her around. Alicia's father puts her back on her feet and looks at him.

"Ah this must be the boyfriend my daughter has been gushing about. for the last 2 years." Her father says as Alicia comes back to his side and takes his hand.

"Daddy, this is Will Gardner, Will, this is my dad." Alicia says. "If you'll have to excuse me I have to rescue my heels from my baby brother, so I'll leave you two together, try not to kill him, Daddy." Alicia says before kissing Will deeply and running deeper into the house, yelling at her brother to leave her heels alone before she sues him, leaving Will and her father alone.

"Mr Cavanaugh, I know you don't know me but I love your daughter, I've always loved her, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." Will says, pulling a velvet box out of his duffel bag that still hangs over Alicia's suitcase handle. He starts looking around for Alicia before remembering what she's like when it comes to her heels: she'll be occupied for a while. He hands the velvet box to her father who opens it, his mouth opening in shock.

"T... this... she'll love this, Will. You have my blessing to propose but listen to me when I say this: that girl is the number one girl in my life and she knows it, I would anything for her and her brother, and their mother, so if you hurt her even once, you'll never be forgiven, not by me and not by her brother. Is that understood young man?" Her father says quietly, Will nods without hesitation: Alicia warned him how protective her father is of his little girl. 

"Understood, Mr Cavanaugh." Will replies, slipping the now closed box into his duffel bag just as her father leads him further into the house.

Will can hear his girlfriend yelling at her brother for destroying her heels from somewhere in the house. He smiles to himself as he follows Mr Cavanaugh into the kitchen. "So do you know when and how you're going to ask her?" Mr Cavanaugh asks, offering him a cup of coffee. Will sips the coffee, thinking about the question he's been asked by his girlfriend's father.

"I've not really thought about it, I think I'll know when to do it when I feel it's right. I just know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her." He answers. Alicia's father nods. "Just make sure you treat my little girl the right way." Will nods as he feels someone jumping on his back, laughing.

"Are you two behaving?" Alicia asks, kissing his cheek. Her father laughs. "Yes, baby, we are behaving." Alicia beams.

"Daddy, Owen ruined another pair of my heels." Alicia says with a pout. Mr Cavanaugh just rolls his eyes and leaves the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone.

"So are you happy I dragged you here now?" She asks, hopping off his back and wrapping her arms around his waist. Will kisses her temple. "Yeah I am, Leesh." Will answers softly.


Will enters their shared apartment, slamming the door closed behind him, his bad mood washing over him in waves.

"Babe?" He hears Alicia calling from the kitchen. The smell of pasta and sauce hits his nose as he enters the kitchen smiling at his girlfriend who is at the stove with a glass of wine beside her and a beer opened on the counter.

"How was the game?" She asks, stirring the sauce with a wooden spoon, looking at him. Will sighs, taking a pull of beer. "We lost the game, the game we spent all summer training for!" Alicia's free hand is on his arm.

"I'm sorry, babe, I know how hard you trained." She says quietly. She removes her hand from his arm and grabs two bowls from the cupboard.

He told her father a month ago that he didn't know when he was going to propose, until it felt right, and it feels right , now, tonight.

He pulls her in for a deep kiss. "Marry me?" He asks into the kiss, Alicia pulls away and looks at him.

"What?" She says in shock.

"Marry me?" He repeats.

"W... why?" Will looks at her.

"I love you. I just came home from a bad day and inside of five seconds you made it good, and made the world go away, so will you marry?" He asks, dropping to one knee in front of her.

"Yes." Alicia gets out through tears, Will chuckles as he stands up, places the ring on her finger and kisses her deeply. Alicia pulls away and laughs.

"We're going out, the pasta will be fine until tomorrow." She announces with a large smile before running to their room to change.

He leans against the counter with a big smile plastered onto his face.

He's getting married to the love of his life, and it's going to be one amazing ride with Alicia Cavanaugh by his side. 

Will Gardner hopes Alicia Florrick finds the ring he's had for the past 20 years in his bedside drawer, and wears it even though he never got a chance to give it to her.


A\N: I told you Angels it was different from the other proposals but I hope you like it nonetheless, I have two more proposals before Alicia gets her turn to propose to Will. I hope you Angels are having a good Easter break, enjoy, Angels.

5 times Will proposed to Alicia and 1 time Alicia proposed to WillWhere stories live. Discover now