CHAPTER 3 - The Wyvern Sanctum

Start from the beginning

"...Wow." Saiyan was amazed at Sapphira's sudden mood swing, heat flushing her cheeks red as she pouted with all the rage of the oceans in her eyes.

Marius turned to Genisis, "Is there a full moon over Egypt tonight by any chance?"

"As a matter of fact there is." Genisis replied.

"Ah, the drawback of being Poseidon's daughter."

"Oh so now..." Sapphira began again, but was cut short by James.

"Sapphira! Tame your emotions. We are pressed for time here."

Alexander took the opportunity to return to the matter at hand, "So where is my predecessor?"

"The Southern Lights, with her people." James saw the puzzled look on Alexander's face and smiled, "There's a lot about the universe you'll be finding out soon enough, just keep an open mind and it won't baffle you so much."

"Yeah, cuz that look on your face is ridiculous." Nyxx had suddenly appeared by Alexander's left.

"Gah!" Alexander jumped back so quickly his magik blasted everyone around him except Nyxx.

"Whoa." Nyxx laughed, "If I knew that would happen I'd have appeared when the water princess over there was babbling."

Sapphira had gone beyond embarrassment as she scrambled to her feet and was now blushing rose-pink, struggling to re-manifest her chair. On the third attempt it finally came, by which time everyone was already reseated.

"You really enjoy seeing others in pain don't you?" Saiyan said as he brushed off the back of Sapphira's sleeveless.

"Which reminds me why I don't hang around you lot, bunch of fun suckers." Nyxx turned to Alexander, who had apparently just regained his own self-control, "So you're going to the Southern Lights then eh? Well you're gonna need a ride."

"A ride?" Alexander asked.

"Yep, they've got nads and he's got a Phoenix." Nyxx pointed at James.

"They have dragons?!"

"Yes. Really big, scaly hides, long snouts and they spit fire." Nyxx's mocking knew no ends.

"I know what a dragon is!"

"And you need something to ride. So are you gonna be like everyone else and get a dragon or what?"

"Where the hell am I gonna get one?"

"The Wyvern Sanctum." Everyone replied in unison, even Alexander's arcane knowledge recollected something of the sort.

"Okay then... So where's that, and more importantly, how do we get there?"

"We don't." said Pyro, "That's a task you've gotta do on your own kid. And remember, we don't exactly have forever."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope," Nyxx said as she walked over to Alexander, "and your quest!" She swiftly placed her left hand on his forehead and pushed.

Suddenly everything became a swirl of violent blues, reds, yellows, greens, white, black, purples and gold. When his senses finally stabilized, Alexander found himself standing outside an aged temple surrounded by ashes and charred remains. The statues of ornate Dragons stood on both sides of the temple doors facing each other. Just great, Alexander thought to himself as he approached the doors. Then the eyes of the statues opened and a pair of voices spoke in his mind.

'The Arch Mage has finally come. Ye may enter. But be warned, a test to prove thy worth awaits.' Then the eyes closed and the doors opened.

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