Chapter 13: Sloppy pizza makes everything better

Start from the beginning

“We can go out, today! Have some girl time, alone!” She said, grinning as I shrugged.

“Great, go get ready!” She demanded.

“But my cream of wheat!” I pouted as she pulled the food out of my reach.

“Shower first, then cream of wheat.” She informed while I pouted. I gave up and decided to take a shower; besides, it was the only place I could cry in peace.


Cyrus’s Point of View

I woke up with a pounding headache as the dim light laced the air. Where am I? I groaned and sat up slowly. I opened my eyes, taking in the familiar setting. The party. I was lying in a bed, who’s? I don’t know. I turned and saw a girl in bed, my eyes widening as I comprehended what could’ve happened? Familiar brown hair came into view and my nerves picked up… did we?

Maverly turned in the bed, revealing her face. The girl wasn’t Maverly. Her blond eyebrows sat above her brown eyes as she grinned up at me. Miranda was in the bed, next to me, and she had no shirt on. I felt it rising in my throat, disgust. Her face turned from a smile to a frown with a scared look pasted behind her eyes.

“What did we do?” I spat, my voice cold. She looked confused. She was trying to be innocent.

“What do you mean?” She asked, pressing her hand to my bare chest. I pushed her hand away forcefully, giving her the idea to tell me what I wanted to know.

“Nothing, we didn’t do anything.” She sighed, upset. I sighed in relief.

“What is wrong with you?” I spat. She frowned.

“You dye your hair to look like Maverly’s, and you, you seduce me when I was drunk. And…” I trailed off, realization hitting me like a truck. I jumped out of bed, glad that I had my pants on. I grabbed my shirt off of the floor.

“Don’t leave!” She shouted, on the verge of tears.

“You disgust me.” I spat at her as I shook my head and raced out of the drunken teenager filled house.


Maverly’s Point of View

Christy dragged me to another store as I whined loudly. My feet hurt and my body felt exhausted.

"C’mon, Mave.” She countered, running towards an isle covered in pink, sparkly dresses. She thumbed through the clothes as I sat back, annoyed. My phone buzzed but I ignored it, it was probably Riley trying to locate us to hang out. It buzzed again and I pressed the ‘off’ button, turning off the phone.

“How does this look?” Christy asked, holding up a dark pink dress and swaying her hips to the side and craning her neck to look at the outfit.

“Great.” I replied, bitterly. Why did she have to drag me out of my house, not even 24 hours after what I seen? The girl I hate and a guy I l… actually cared about kissing and making out at a party that I had dragged him to.

“Why don’t we get you a dress? The dance is coming up next week! You probably forgot about it! What color dress do you want?” Christy squealed, oblivious to my growing anger.

“I don’t want to go to the dance.” I spat, annoyed.

“Why not?” She furthered.

“Because I don’t want to go.” I stated.

“Why not?” She pressed.

“Because you and Riley will have dates.” I spat, venom dripping from my voice.

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