Your Shine was gone,

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"I love you."

You whispered it, but I pretended not to hear. I loved you too, but it'd hurt too much to admit it. It'd hurt for you to know, to know you'd leave right after we could have become something. Knowing it ended before it started.

I still waited under the tree, though. I still watched the fireflies, watched the stars.

I thought we had five years left.

Five more years.

I remember that one day you arrived at the tree before me. It was raining, and you were alone. You had a black jacket wrapped around your shoulders. Your long brown hair was flowing, your face exposed. Beautiful, that's what you were. Stunning, gorgeous, amazing, jaw-dropping, beautiful. Tears were running down your face, you looked cold. I remember snapping back to my senses and running toward you, covering you completely with my umbrella while letting myself get wet.

You looked up, your hazel eyes glinting in with the water.

"Please, Ash, it's the least I can do."

You nodded 

and looked down.

The Fireflies, The StarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang