Naruto's Special Training

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Minato's POV: I know that Naruto my son is not considered the best in his team so it is my job to make the team see him as an actual teammate. That Uchiha boy was getting on my nerves though.

He would not stop calling my son a loser I know very well that my son is not a loser her is so much more than that. He is my pride and joy and I would give anything to have him in my life.

I would start with the basics and then get to the harder stuff. Today as team seven was meeting up. I was also there and Kakshi was late again. I did not train him to be like this. That is aside the point. 

"Hey Kakshi do you mind if I borrow Naruto for today?" I asked. "Sure go ahead." Kakashi said. "Finally that nobody is going to be kicked off of the team." I heard Sakura say. "About time the loser got in trouble for something he is always dead last in class anyways." Sasuke scoffed. 

Well they will not know the real reason and I tend to keep it that way. "Hey dad what's up Naruto asked me as we made our way to secluded area. 

"This not very far from our training ground." Naruto said. "I will teach you some basic things them I will let you observe your class and what they are doing and tell me what you see." I said. 

"So this is going to help me?" Naruto asked. "Yes it sure is just because it may not be some cool jutsu does not mean it isn't useful." I said.

Naruto nodded in understanding. I deicded to teach him how to sense things around him and also to learn some other moves like fire style, wind style, water style, earth style, and I also taught him the the flying thunder god, all types, and last but not least the rasengan my signatuer move. 

"Wait you think I will be able to do the rasengan?!" Naruto asked with suprise. "Yes i believe you will be able to master it in no time with my guaidance here use this for the time being." I said tossing a green water ballon to Naruto.

 "A water ballon?" My son asked me. "It will help you regulate the amount of chakara you use." I explained. 

"Now as for Chakara control how much do you know?" I asked "A little but I am not really sure myself." Naruto answered.  

I nodded "This all about compressing chakara and focusing it all at a centreal point then releasing it." I explianed. 

"So does the chakara gather in the one same direction?" Naruto asked. "No it dosent it has to come in all sorts of different directions." I said.

"Okay I will give it a try." Naruto said. The  water ballon popped much to his surprise. "I did it I actually did it!!" He cheered. 

I spent the next few hours on telling Naruto how to perfect the Rasengan and pretty soon he was able to make one that was on par with my own. 

The power was pretty destructive as well. "Now let's go and observe to see how the rest of your team is doing. 

Naruto and I were pearched in the trees watching them trying to snatch the bells from Kakshi but faling miserbaly. 

Saskue refused to let anyone help him even though Sakura offered but I could tell that she was not much help due to the fact that she kept running around like chiken with her head off and getting scared of the smallest thing.

Naruto also pointed out that Sakura loved playing the damsle in distress card always wanting Sasuke to save her.

I asked Naurto that if he was ready to show his stuff. Nartuo told me that he was ready. 

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