Waking Up

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Minato's POV: Ugh my head what happened? Wait how long was I out? My thoughts ran a mile a minute as I feel the yin half of the ninetails inside of me. Was I in a coma? That means I was successful. 

My thoughts drifted to my son Naruto. How is he? Is he still alive? Did the village treat him right? all these questions swirled in my head but I was not going to find out sitting like a bump on a log. 

I tested the waters as I stood up and I flet really weak like I was going to pass out any second but my worry for my son outweighed my fatuige so I was running as fast as I could to the leaf village. 

I was known as the fastest Shinobi in the world, I was known as the Yellow flash Naruto was my son my everything. 

I dashed pass the gaurds at the gate I was to fast for them to see me. I went to the hokage's office and the third Hokage was shocked as he saw me. 

Who wouldn't be I was thought to be dead after all. "Minato?!" He said with a shock and surprise. 

"Why helloe to you too lord third." I said. "Not that I am not glad that you are back but how can you confrim that you are the real Minato Namikaze?" He asked me.

"Well I have a son named Naruto and My wife is Kushina Uzumaki and I sealed the nintales inside my son." I said.

Anyone would know I sealed the ninetails away but they would never know who I sealed it into. 

"So how is my son?" I asked. "Well the sitiuation is not exactly well. People found out about the Kyuubi being sealed inside him and they do not want anything to do with him." Lord Third said. 

I felt my heart sink, this was not the outcome I was hopping for I wanted the village to see him as a hero not a monster. 

"You promised me." I said angrily. "You promised that you would take care of my son." I said the venom evident in my voice. 

"Naruto however did garduate and become a genin though." Lord Third said. That did nothing to quell my rage. 

"I am taking the title of Hokage back!" I yelled. Lord Third nodded that he did say that he was going to run in my place until I returned but he was too old and I think he is past his prime. 

At least my son got to graduate. However I knew that more hardships were to come and that is what I came to do. 

I suddenly felt a bit weak as I dropped down to one knee my fatugie catching up to me. "Minato are you okay?" Lord third asked. 

"Yeah I am I did not realize how tired I was." I said. I decided to crash on the couch in the Hokage's office. 

I woke up a few minutes late they said I passed out  from using to much chakara. Iruka came in and notified that they were picking teams tommoroww. 

I wanted to be present for that I could not wait any longer to see my son. 

Naruto: The Son of The Yellow FlashDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora