Team 7

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Minato's POV: Today was going to be the selection of the teams and I was finally going to see my son. My heart hammered in my chest like a Jackrabbit.

I walked into the classroom to see my son sitting there. His eyes seemed to widen as he saw me I mean how could not be when your Idol was  standing right front of  you. 

Iruka went about annoucing the teams and I was zoning out unitl he annouced team 7.

"Alright team seven Naruto Uzumaik, Sakura Haruno!" Iruka announced I saw my son shoot out of his seat and shout "Yes!" I heard Sakura mumble "I'm doomed." I was shocked what did she have agansit my son. 

"and Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka finished and this time it was Sakura's trun to shout "Yeah!" and I heard my son mumble "I'm doomed." Then I heard that Uchiha say something that made my blood boil. 

He said to my son "Just make sure you don't get in my way loser." "What did you just say?" I said the venom evident in my words.

The Uchiha looked at me with shock and he could feel a chill run down his spine at the murderous look in my eyes. 

"Why did you call him a loser, the golden rule still stands treat others with respect." I snarled letting a little bit of the ninetalis that had been sealed inside of me out. 

"I apologize lord fourth." He said. They were assinged to be trained by Kakashi my former student. 

I could telol that Kakshi was shocked to see me again  I guess that never in a million years would he thought to see his teacher alive and well. 

There was one thing that I noticed and was that he was always late  and that really did not sit well with me. 

The other teams have already left a he then decides to show up. I knew that this team 7 was going to be trouble. 

And I was right . At first I decided to observe them out of sight. I noticed that Naruto was being neglected by Kakashi and he only seemed to pay attention to the Uchiha boy. 

Thei girl named Sakura outright hated my son for no apparent reason and would flat out ignor him. 

Sasuke was flat out rude to him saying that a loser like him would never amount to anything. I know that my son is not the sharpest tool in the shed but he is not dumb. 

I think that noone must have taken time to teach him anything.

Naruto's POV: The fourth Hokage stood infront of me as Iruka was picking off teams. My idol was there standing right infront of me. 

I was happy but did I really have to be on the same team with Sasuke but Iruka said that it was a rule that they put the worst student with the best. 

I was sure that if someone took the time to teach me I would not be the worst.  There was also another thing Kakashi sensei was also late I could tell that lord foruth was annoyed. 

I could also sense his Chakara nearby when we were training watching us fail time and again. I wonder why did he defend me when Sasuke called me loser thought? 

Little did I know that I would find out the answer to that when I got called to his office after training.  

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