Chapter 35 ~ Worried For Her

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Arjun's POV

I was reluctant to let her alone but understanding she might be bored to just stand I hesitantly let her go to the drinks counter. I knew she wouldn't drink alcohol after her past experience with it. She herself admitted it.

As I talked with the person infront of me, my eyes never left glancing at her time to time. She settled herself at the chair and sipped her drink what looked like fruit juice. Good. I was relieved.

After a few minutes when I again glanced at her she wasn't alone but a woman was with her. Oh wait! She's one of my ex-what was her name!? Ah Niya... Niyati... Niti oh yes Niti. I met her at a business party and then she started sticking to me. It was her request to date for a month, like a contract relationship, to which I definitely did not agree at once. Relationships are made with love not on contract terms.

But she kept insisting me and being fed up I agreed. There was literally nothing between us. We only would meet for lunch and dinner, a few times for business purposes. There was no intimacy involved.

Again looking towards them I did not find Aadya there instead Niti was alone smirking and sipping on her drink. I immediately raked my eyes around the hall to spot her but to my bad I did not. My heart beat started racing thinking about her safety. Without wasting anymore time I strolled towards Niti.

"Where is my wife?" I asked her who seemed shocked by my sudden presence.

She laughed before saying "Is this the first thing you ask meeting me after almost a year?"

I inhaled to calm myself down again before questioning "Last time I saw she was with you. Don't fuck around and answer my question. Where. Is. She?"

She seemed taken aback at my angered form but all I care about is Aadya in this moment.

"Come on leave her for a while. Let's have fun. I don't think she satisfies you I mean she is nowhere near your type-" she started blabbering shit making my blood boil.

"One more word about my wife and I will make sure you won't open that fifthy mouth of yours forever. Don't even compare her to yourself. You are no where near her. Get that in your head." I told gritting my teeth.

"S-she went to the washroom." She uttered being scared.

I wasted no time and rushed towards the washroom. A waiter suddenly dashed into me spilling all the contents he was carrying in the glass. I hissed in annoyance.

"S-sorry s-sir. I-I a-am very sorry. I-t was a m-mistake. Please forgive me." He stuttered being sacred and I ran a hand through my hair attempting to calm myself down.

"It's okay now move out of my way." I said and resumed my search.

"Sorry sir but you cannot go inside." A female voice stopped me just as I was entering the washroom. I turned around to see a waitress standing there looking at me with horrified expressions. Ofc who wouldn't. I probably look like a pervert trying to peek inside female washroom.

"Ah it's not what you think. I am searching for my wife. Could you please check for me inside. She is wearing a red dress and had dark brown hair." I cleared myself.

"Oh red dress and dark brown hair. I think I saw her going upstairs with a waitress." She said trying to recall.

I furrowed my brows receiving the new information. Why would she go upstairs?

"Oh thank you so much." I thanked and left from there taking my feet to the upper floor. I don't why my heart was beating very vastly and an unsettling feeling surfaced in me.

As I was climbing the stairs, another waitress was descending the stairs. It didn't took much time to understand she was the one who took Aadya here. I immediately stopped her.

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