Chapter 27 ~ The Playful Moment

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Arjun's POV

Teasing is what she was doing to me since morning and she was pretty good at it. First pecking my lips and then telling that I copied her dress colour to twin with her. I chuckled remembering her face in the evening when everyone were teasing us.

The little moment we shared back in kitchen was so pleasurable that I lost control and ended up biting her lip. I hope its not hurting much. But the look on her face said she was enjoying too.

After dinner I was waiting for my dad in the garden as he wanted to have a talk with me. Soon he came and we both started strolling around with my dad's hand on my shoulder.

"So I hope everything is going good between you both" Dad said.

"Yes Dad everything is going smooth. Dad how did you come to know that you loved mom?" I asked.

He smiled a little before answering "I just knew it the moment I laid my eyes on her. The moment my heart started beating fast when her eyes met mine. Even when there were no words exchanged between us She was the only one in my mind all day long. Her one smile held the power to light my day and uplift my mood. Her touch made me freeze and with her I feel as if the time stopped and it's only us in this world. When I realised I cannot live even a single moment without your mother, I knew I fell hard for her."

I started remembering the 1st time I saw her near our house gate and the moment our gazes met, my heart beated loudly and I felt a spark. Even when there were few words exchanged between us I used to think about her all day long. Her smiled- it did wonders to me and when she touched me I feel butterflies and I just feel as if the time has frozen. True I start missing her the moment she's out of my sight. That means I fell hard for my wife. My  Aadya.

A smile broke on my lips thinking about her when my dad's voice brought me back to reality.

"Looks like you too are in love with Aadya."
I chuckled nodding and dad laughed heartily hugging me.

"Congratulations my son."

I rolled my eyes and we finally sat on the nearby Bench when he started talking "Now your one week with her will be the turning point of your relationship. Make her comfortable with you,make her trust you. Bond with her emotionally. Make her feel loved. Let her know how much you love her. Here you both were busy with work and family so you couldn't give time to yourselves that is why I have booked your suite for 1 whole week. Otherwise your mom was adamant to send you guys for a whole month."

"Dad~" I whined a bit at his teasing. Then we exchanged good night's and left for our respective rooms. I wonder if she might have completed her packing. Aradhna was helping her do it.

I entered our room to see Aradhna laughing and Aadya glaring at her. I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

"Oh bhaiya come fast your wife has some doubts please clear it-" Aradhna stood up saying.

"NO ARE YOU MAD! Go sleep it's too late. Even I have to sleep. Good night Aradhna." Aadya cut her off by palming her mouth and literally pushing her out of the room. She closed the door and sighed. While I was confused as heck.

"So what doubt did you have?" I asked once she plopped herself on the bed.

"N-Nothing. Nothing at all. Your sister is just out of her senses. Leave it d-did you pack your luggage?" She asked back trying to divert the topic but I wasn't letting it go.

"Oh so you are eager to go on our honeymoon baby~" I teased her.

"W-what no-no. You know what do whatever you want I don't care." She replied making me chuckle. God she was looking so cute. I went towards her sitting beside her.

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