Chapter 24 ~ Some Revelations

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Arjun's POV

Ecstatic and Lucky is what I feel to have Aadya as my wife, my better half actually she's my bestest half. When we shared our first kiss, the feeling was beyond cloud 9. When she walked out abruptly after our little moment in office 2 days ago, I thought I had hurt her and made her uncomfortable. I couldn't tolerate her ignorance.

That is why I apologized but she caught me by surprise when she kissed me. I honestly did not expect she would initiate it but when she did I swear my heart stopped beating for a second. The immense happiness I felt after knowing I was her first kiss was undiscribable. There was a pang of guilt too knowing she wasn't my first kiss but i will make sure she will be the only and last woman whom I'll kiss here afterwards.

I knew I was done for. Man I am so whipped for her. There's no turning back now. I have fallen hard for her and I don't intend to get up. I love her. I Love Aadya- My Wife. A smile played on my lips constantly as I was thinking about her.

A knock on the door broke my thoughts as I muttered an 'Enter'. Abhyuday came in smiling. I had called him to talk out few things which had been bothering me since my Reception night.

"What's up Jija ji?" He said as he sat on the couch and I too sat across him.

"Nothing much just wanted to clear few things saale Sahab." I replied.

"Before that I hope you are treating my sister well?" he asked seriously.

And I chuckled answering "I don't know about your sister, but I sure am treating my wife the best."

He hummed nodding smiling.
"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked.

"On our reception night you said Aadya has been hurt even by you, elaborate." I said in a cold voice full of dominance.

His face lost its colour and he stiffened at his place. My suspicion rose high from the reaction I received. He gulped and took a deep breath.

"Starting from the beginning- Aadya was never loved by our father. His partiality towards me always left her unloved by him and I hate myself for that. I tried making him understand but he didn't pay any heed. But she was loved immensely by mom and me. Well until I turned I 16, I did something which was unforgivable yet too she forgave me. Indeed my sister has the purest heart. She doesn't deserve any bad thing."

He took a pause and continued.

"I was 16 and in the clutches of so called 'teenage drama' shit- surrounded by girls, partying and the most popular guy in School. A female whom I had assumed to be my girlfriend didn't like Aadya very much. When I asked the reason she said Aadya's presence disgusts her just because she wasn't fair."

My teeth clenched automatically and I fisted my hands. I so wanted to punch that pathetic female whoever it was.

"And me being the asshole I am who didn't want my shoe dust worthy reputation to spoil, asked Aadya to stay away from me. I ignored her and stopped speaking with her. My pathetic self let her get bullied by those girl friends of mine." He completed

The next thing he was on the ground because of the punch I delivered on his face. I took him up by holding his collar.
Gritting my teeth I said "You did what? You let her get bullied. You told her to stay away just because she is brown. Are you in your fucking senses?"

"I know I am very disgusting human and I regret it everyday." He said

"Do you even know what wound you have given her? You made her insecure of herself. You made her believe that she is not worthy of being loved. You made her think only outside beauty matters. You crushed her self confidence when she was just 13. Do you even have an idea what she might have undergone? You isolated her from happiness and guess what I will do the same with you." I stated leaving his collar and brushing it to wipe the creases.

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