Chapter 29 ~ First time

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Aadya's POV

It has been two whole days since we arrived and all I had done was eating and lazing around because according to Arjun I should take rest as he doesn't want me to get sick or anything. I tried persuading him that it's just periods not cancer. But he was adamant so even I being stubborn took a promise from him that we would start exploring places from today.

Like come on who comes Seychelles just to laze around. These past two days my husband has been nothing but caring. He would bring me chocolates and pain killers.  At night when cramps would hit me like a train he would massage my stomach and back making my heart go all BOOM BOOM and erupting butterflies like crazy.

But one thing is for sure, what I was dismissing as a childish crush is something more deeper and pure like LOVE. I don't know when it happened- maybe the first time I saw him when I came back from Delhi or when he apologised for ignoring me after our Reception or when he hugged me telling he likes me or just two days ago when he admitted that his care for me is beyond physical needs. He made feel loved.

Whenever it may have happened but one thing is sure he is becoming my oxygen. I cannot live without him. I can do anything to see his million dollar smile. That genuine smile which he gives me and I will make sure that I would be the reason for his smile.

Currently I was holding a magazine ,which had informations of all the tourist attractions in Seychelles, and zoning out thinking about my handsome husband. The snap of fingers broke my trance and I looked up to see Arjun standing near me.

"Where were you lost?" He asked settling himself on the space beside me on the bed.

"In you." I mumbled,more to myself.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"Nothing. I was just seeing the places we could visit here. See there are so many places. 1st comes Sir Selwyn Clarke Market from where we can buy souvenirs but we will visit it on our last day. 2nd comes Victoria Botanical Gardens, 3rd is National Museum of History you know I am excited to go there as I love knowing about histories of various places. 4th is Victoria Clark Tower we will just take few pics when passing by it. 5th comes Gran Kaz Victoria it's like an arcade plus club, a casino and I am very excited to visit it. And Last but not the least Arul Mihu Navasakthi Vijayanag Temple it's very magnificent but sadly I won't be able to go." I pouted lightly.

"No problem we can go on our 2nd Honeymoon." He suggested while taking a sip of his juice.

And I snapped my head at him flustered by his reply asking him "S-Second Honeymoon?"

"Yea. As you were not able to enjoy to the fullest."

"And why will we go to same country again?" I asked.

"So you accept you wanna go to second Honeymoon that too to another country. Sure where do you want to go?"

He took a sip again of his juice leaving a little droplet on his lips and my eyes were fixed there. His dark pink lips looked more inviting than the juice. He kept the glass on the side table.

Quickly removing my eyes from his lips I blabbered"I-I didn't mean that. I..."

"Hmm you?" He asked leaning closer to me as I gulped inhaling his intoxicating and addicting cologne.

His eyes which were directly gazing into mine now moved lower and his gaze was now fixed on my exposed neck and collarbone. Today I had decided to wear a sundress. I inhaled a deep breath which resulted in the highlighting of my collarbones.

"Why a-are you l-looking at me like t-that?" I stuttered

"I am thinking of teaching something to you." He replied huskily.

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