New enemy?

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! Curse words included + kissing included !

Today I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I had to go to school again. I quickly got up and brushed my teeth before getting dressed. My dad had already made breakfast for me so I sat down and quickly ate before packing my bag for school. My dad brought me to school once again and we said bye to each other. He drove off again. This time however I felt more confident in walking inside the school as I made one friend. Sora texted me earlier saying we should meet at her locker. So I walked over to her locker. While I did though, I saw that Aisha kissed cris on the lips. He didn't look like he was enjoying it much. I looked at him and noticed he looked back at me. I quickly looked away and continued to walk towards sora's locker. I saw her waiting for me and quickly went up to her.

"Hey sora"
"Hiii, I gotta tell you something."
"Oh, what is it?"
"Yesterday at football practice, I heard Cris talking to Nawaf about you."
"You play football?"
"No, I was just watching them practice. But that's not the point, he talked about you girl!"
"Oh...right. He was probably just gossiping."
"Cris doesn't gossip. Trust me. He is not that guy."
"Is he a player?"
"Not at all. He actually likes to stay away from girls. I guess Aisha just got lucky."
"Interesting. Class is about to start, we have to go now." I said
"Oh yeah right, let's go"

We went to class and went on with the lesson. I felt like there were always eyes staring at me. But I shook it off.
When the first lesson was over, I tried to put my books in my bag but someone pushed them on the floor. I looked up and it was Cris.

"Oops sorry, didn't see them. The books are as small as you" he teased

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Spare me the teasing, just move on with your life and go back to your little girlfriend who's waiting to kiss you."

He did a little smirk and walked away.
Why was the smirk so hot though-
Anyways, I went to the recess school yard and I hung out with sora. We watched cris and Nawaf play basketball with some other friends. I turned to Sora to talk to her about school stuff. But I noticed she kept her eyes on Nawaf. ( talk about supportive gf 🫣 )

"Someone's in love" I commented
"Oh shut up. Let's not even forget about the incident between you and cris yesterday."
"Wdym? Do you mean the store incident?"
"No. I meant the umbrella incident."
"Wha- how do you know about that?" I asked
"I'm not dumb. The bus station is literally right across the school. I have an amazing eyesight. I saw everything."
"F-fine but nothing is going on between us so idc."

She rolled her eyes playfully and a few moments later, the bell rang. We walked to our next class. We had French next. Ugh I hate French so fucking much. I mean I'm a big multilingual person. I get straight A's in French, English and other language speaking classes. I'm also a very big sports person. But that doesn't really matter.

The French teacher just like any normal French teacher would, teached us a new grammar rule and blah blah blah.
After class, me and sora walked around the hallway in the 1st story. As we were walking, I saw Cris and Nawaf talking to each other at the water dispenser to fill up water bottles. I saw Nawaf's eyebrows raise at something cris said. Quickly after that Nawaf shouted a bit loudly.

"YOU'RE BREAKING UP WITH AISHA?" Nawaf yelled, a little bit loudly but not that loud.
" quiet. Yes I am. I'm sick of her."
"What did she do?"
"She's way too clingy and she's annoying. Not to mention, she's a pick me and really mean."
"Pfff...dude. You're also really mean. Especially to that one new girl, Jeana."
"I'm always mean to newbies. But something about her is different. Whatever. It doesn't matter."
"Hmm..I see."
"Shit bro, she's right there." Cris said

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