A day with him

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! Curse words included !


I woke up in his bed. I checked the time and looked down to see...an empty sleeping bag? It was then I felt someone's chest on the back of my head..oh my days. It was cris. What the fuck was he doing in my bed? I then realized it had something to do with my mom and gio. I quickly but quietly got out of his bed and made my way downstairs, careful not wake the people up that were still sleeping. I saw that my mom and gio were awake and talking on the couch. I stood right in front of my mom.

"Mamá, gio, why would you do that?!" I kind of yelled.
"Do what?" Mom said
"Uh? Make me sleep in the same bed as cris even though he was originally sleeping on the sleeping bed right next to the bed?"
"Okay okay, we're sorry amor but you two are just so cute together that we couldn't help it! We're sorry for doing that without your consent." Gio said
"It's fine, but please don't do that again!"

I then went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Cris woke up and sat on the bed.

"Why am I on the bed?"
"Mom and gio pulled something on us. I'm still mad."

That's all he said. He also didn't look too mad at the fact they set us up. But I didn't really care. Soon enough, everyone woke up and we all sat at the table, eating breakfast. Then, Ronny and Gio told us that it would be a great idea if we could all hang out today. After all, it was a pretty nice weather and mom suggested we all do a picnic. Of course we agreed since it was our parents. After 2 hours, we were getting ready to leave the house and set up the picnic somewhere where there was lots of grass for us kids to play. We got in the cars and drove to the place. It was lovely and there was a tree on the grass that somehow highlighted the whole place. We set up the picnic and the adults kind of just talked about stuff that we didn't understand. Then cris and I were forced to play with Alana, Eva, mateo and Bella. I didn't mind it since I actually really liked them. Cris didn't as well. He likes kids as sora mentioned. Guess he does have a soft spot. We played with them for half an hour before we were called to eat some snacks. It was somehow..amusing? It was amusing to be outside in the sun with him and his family and my family. We got back to playing after eating a few snacks. I was chasing Alana and eva around while mateo was playing football (soccer) with cris. Cris was also holding Bella. I don't know why, but I kind of stared at the sight of him holding her. I imagined what it was like if he held our ki-. No. I can't. Stop. Thinking. About. That. Jeana. My focus went back to chasing Alana and eva and the warm atmosphere was filled with the laughter of us and our parents. The sun was now setting and I watched as my mom posed with gio in the sunset, taking pics for insta. My mom is a veryyy pretty woman. Especially for her age. So I knew that there were gonna be many people complimenting her under gio's post in the comments. Then, Gio and Ronny and my parents all took a pic together, cris took the pic. Then all of us as a family and friends took pictures. (You might be asking who took the pic if all of us took one together, just imagine their driver was there with them. he took the pic for them)
I had to stand next to cris in the pic and he did his usual pose. The thumbs up and smiling, with his teeth showing. I love his smile so fucking much. But seriously, not saying this in a creepy way or in a way that shows I'm in love with him, which I'm not, but I seriously like his smile. It just suits him. I just smiled as well, also showing my teeth.

Cris' POV

All of us took a picture together. I quickly glanced at Jeana, who was smiling, showing her teeth. They were so perfect. Fuck. Her smile is perfect. Shit, what am I thinking? I also noticed eva standing next to her, holding her hand. Eva is sensitive and shy so it was surprising. She usually stands next to gio. Fuck, she's perfect with kids as well. Is she just, generally perfect?

Jeana's POV

I held Eva's hands and continued to smile for the pics. After we took about 5-10, my smiled faded just by a little bit. I was now still smiling, but without teeth. I looked at eva and talked to her.
"¿Lista para ir a casa?" I asked her, smiling.
(Ready to go home?)


I smiled once again and I helped pack the stuff from the picnic. I then got in the car holding bella in one of my arms and holding Eva in my hand. I could tell alana was jealous that I gave them a little more attention but I laughed at the cuteness. I put them in their seats and walked back to my car. But before I could, Alana asked me where I was going. I turned to her and told her that I'm going back to my car. She whined and wanted to come with. I looked at gio who nodded in agreement. Bella stayed since she didn't really understand. Before I got in the car with them, I looked over to cris, who was talking with Bella, his gaze softened at her. He was so good with kids. I sat in the middle seat of the car so that they wouldn't argue as to who deserves it more to sit next to me. We talked on the way to gio's house. Once we were there, they got out of the car. My parents and I said goodbye to them, Alana and eva were holding my hand, not wanting me to leave but Gio made them let go and smiled as we got in the car and drove back home. In the car, I was thinking about cris. About how he is so good with kids. About if I might be falling in love with him. But I can't. I don't even stand him. Geez. What am I thinking? He's rude and mean. and a tease. We arrived at home and I went to my room and flopped down on my bed. I was exhausted and I changed into my pjs and brushed my teeth. I didn't even do my skincare. That's how exhausted I was. I turned off my lamp and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Fast forward to their trip to Greece ->>

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