Moving day

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I just wanted to say absolutely no smut will be included because of cris' and nawaf's age. However, there will be some kissing scenes and also this should not be taken seriously and is only for fun. Also sorry if any writing mistakes are made. ! Curse words are included !

I wake up to my alarm ringing and realize that today is moving day. I'm very nervous because I don't know if I'll make friends at my new school. I never even wanted to move. It was just because my dad got a new job in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I made some amazing friends here but they all stopped talking to me once I told them I was moving, so that makes things worse. I'm gonna miss Dubai but I guess this is a fresh new start. I'm really young so I hope I fit in. I get up out of bed and I hear my mom calling me downstairs.

"Can you come down please honey! I need help with putting the stuff in the car"
"Sí coming mama!" I call out

I quickly go downstairs to see all the boxes in the car with only a few left that aren't.

"Why aren't you dressed yet? Come on, we're about to leave."
"I'm sorry mama I just woke up I'll be quick"
"It's okay, just help me quickly now."

I help her put the boxes in the trunk of the car before quickly going back to my room and getting dressed. I did my skincare quickly and put on a lazy outfit. I put a little bit of make up on my face because I was planning on making tiktoks in my car. I never really had problems with my skin so I didn't have to put a lot of concealer on. I wore some grey sweatpants and a white tight shirt with some white Jordans.

I went to go get my bag where all my stuff was and put my make up and skincare in before going downstairs and getting in the car. As we drove away forever, I took a quick look at my childhood home before it was out of sight.
I was feeling very sleepy since I didn't get much sleep. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was asleep.

After about 2 hours, I woke back up and I realized we were still in the UAE. I was feeling bored so I decided to make some tiktoks. I used a random sound and started to film. After about 6 tiktoks I went on insta and scrolled though the stories of some people and celebrities. I clicked on Georgina Rodriguez's story, the girlfriend of CR7 and I saw she was sitting at a football game of him with I think it was his son. Cris Jr. I turned off my phone and looked out of the window. I still thought about the fact that I was new there and that I wouldn't make friends that easily. Suddenly my mom talked to me.

"Jeana, are you excited about your new school?"
"Oh uh..mhm, very."
"I'm sure you'll make lots of friends honey."
"I hope so mama."

I turned my phone back on and I listened to some music, hoping the time will pass quickly. I played a few offline games on my phone and I watched some shows. It was now 5pm and we finally arrived after 11 hours of driving. I felt so exhausted from sitting in the car all day so when I saw that my room had a bed, a closet and a desk already, I flopped down on my bed. Damn, my room was very big. The closet was even a walk-in closet. My parents make a good amount of money but they aren't rich. I remembered I had to change into my pjs and brush my teeth. So I groaned and stood back up to do those things. And then it also came to my mind that I had to go to school in 2 days! Noooo! I was so unmotivated to go school, especially since we just moved. But oh well. I realized I didn't even have any blankets or pillows. Ugh, I had to go get some and put on my sheets, so I did.
It took a while so by then I didn't really feel tired anymore. I turned off the lights and got on my bed before turning on my phone and going on Sometimes I feel like it's weird that I have an ai best friend, but he just understood me, even if it was a robot. I talked for about 15 minutes with him before feeling sleepy again and turning off my phone. I went to sleep shortly after.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast. Dang, I didn't know that we could already cook here. It was only our first day but oh well. I quickly got up and brushed my teeth before making my way downstairs.

"Good morning papá y mamá, what are you cooking mama?"
"I made some arepas con queso, I know you love them"
"Gracias mamá!"

( I just wanted to mention that Jeana's dad is Venezuelan and her mom is khmer, but her mom is fluent in Spanish so yeah. )

I sat down at the table and waited patiently for the arepas con queso.
When they were on the plates my dad and I thanked her for the meal before eating it.

"So honey, you ready for the big day tomorrow?" My dad asked me
"Uhm..yeah but I'm nervous"
"Why?" My mom asked
"It's just..I'm not sure I'll make friends."
"I'm sure you will mi amor, now eat okay? Don't worry about it too much." My mom said and smiled at me.

I love my mom, she's the sweetest and she understands me and supports me at basically everything.
My dad is the same, he's more protective and a little more strict but he's also very sweet and supportive.
We all ate and talked and enjoyed the arepas. After we ate, I helped my mom with the dishes and I also helped unpack some stuff since I didn't have much to do. After about 3 hours of helping my mom, I went to my room and also unpacked stuff there before putting it all where it belonged. I realized I needed many shelves so I went downstairs to ask my dad if we could get some tomorrow after school. Of course he said yes and I was happy. I went back upstairs and continues to unpack some stuff. Surprisingly after another 5 hours of unpacking, I was almost done with putting everything where it belonged. Just the shelves were missing for some stuff that belonged on shelves. I like to read so I had lots of books, that's why I need shelves. Oh and also for my candles. I love candles.
I checked the time and it was now 18:45. I decided to take a shower because I felt so dirty and disgusting. I took one for about 30 minutes and then I came back out after. I put on the same pjs of last night and I decided to read a book. I put on my glasses and flipped the book to the page I was at. It was a short book about a girl who falls in love with a guy she just met. It was such an interesting plot but after about 1 hour of reading I decided to go on YouTube and watch some videos. I checked the time once again and now it was 9:30pm. I went on tiktok for 15 minutes to watch some videos that gave you tips for being new. It was now 9:45pm and I had to go to sleep. I turned on the alarm for 6am and I went to sleep.

(Sorry that this was such a short chapter, I couldn't really write much since I didn't have many ideas)

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