you really had to do that?!

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The day started off as usual, wake up, get ready, go to class, everything was pretty normal, it was time for lunch Enid was sitting with ajax, Xavier, Bianca and yoko, 

"so how was the time you spent with Wednesday? " Bianca asked and took a bite from her food, Enid thought for a second "it was good, Mortica told me stories about her" yoko insisted to tell some stories about Wednesday, and Enid gave in

 "alright, she can actually smile, and the only one I remember now, pugsley her brother tricked her in the bathtub, and she chased him naked with a knife" everyone started laughing, Enid joined them too "oh my god, I can't believe this" Bianca said
"Right how embarrassing" they were laughing loud then the bell rang, all of them quickly went to class, Enid didn't know how big mistake she made with telling that story, Wednesday was walking around the hall when she saw few jocks bullying some kid, she walked there 

"let him go" Wednesday told them and they laughed when they saw her "why what are you gonna do chase me with a knife Naked? " how embarrassing, that story only Enid and her family knew, Wednesday pulled out a knife and pushed that guy to wall and put the knife to his throat "bully him again, and I make sure to kill you"

 she let him go then she walked back to her dorm room, everyone was looking at her laughing, she couldn't believe this, how could Enid do this to her, Wednesday was angry, very angry when she got back Enid wasn't there yet so she waited

About an hour later Enid arrived, she walked up to kiss Wednesday, but the smaller girl pushed Enid away
"Whats your problem? " Wednesday huffed, and looked her dead in the eye
"My problem? The fact the whole school is laughing at me, because of you!" Enid knew she told her friends but no one else

 "Wednesday I told that story only to yoko, Bianca, Xavier and ajax no one else" the goth girl felt her blood boil "BUT WHY DID YOU TELL THEM? " Wednesday yelled at Enid, the blonde girl was surprised, and speechless "I can't believe you Enid, I trusted you with that story"

 the she-wolf couldn't speak "Wednesday i- look- I" she just couldn't form her sentence "I am just wasting my breath on you" Wednesday said harshly
"Wednesday I'm sorry I won't do it again, I promise"

 Wednesday took a deep breath "I feel like you don't understand what I'm saying, I feel like words doesn't get through or something" the goth girl said, and Enid felt her eyes tearing up 

"Wednesday please don't do this
I love you" she stepped closer but she just stepped away "I never hated someone so much before than I do right know, Enid I'm disappointed, "
Wednesday said and turned around to face away from the blonde girl
"Wednesday please I do anything to make this better, please just say something for me to do I'll do it whatever is it , please Wednesday I'm sorry, please forgive m-" 

but she was cut off by the smaller girl "oh my god just shut the fuck up! I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? WHY WOULD I WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU?

 Wednesday yelled, she didn't care who heard it or who didn't
"I know your just angry and you don't mean that" Enid said trying to stay calm, but tears fell from her eyes, Wednesday took a deep breath 

"Enid I don't what kind of fantasy world you live in, but I meant what u said, I'm done with you, or you going or I call my parents and I'll be far away from you in an hour" Wednesday said and when Enid didn't respond she went to call her parents

 "hello mother, tell lurch to come and get me" her mother just nodded she didn't asked anything
Wednesday started to put away a few things, "Wednesday please don't do this" the goth girl didn't responded, Enid left the room she sat down on a bench and just cried, while Wednesday packed her things, after not even an hour later, lurch arrived and Wednesday Sat in the car and went home,

 when Enid got back to the dorm room, it was empty, she fell on her knees and cried, then remember that Wednesday gave her a hoodie she got it out of her closet and sat down on the bed, she hugged the hoodie and cried, she eventually layed down, and cried herself to sleep

When Wednesday arrived home her parents started to question her, but she didn't answer, she just walked up to her room, there was a few things that Enid left there, a single tear slipped from her eye, but she let it fall
She took a shower then tried to sleep, but it wasn't that easy she kept thinking why Enid did that? Everything was just so perfect she had to ruin it

She couldn't understand why Enid made that decision, Wednesday didn't slept all night, she was up lost in her thoughts, eventually she sat outside on the balcony watching the stars, then the sunrise

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