am I that bad? Rohit-Hardik

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Before anyone says anything here; I don't hate Hardik and never will. If you are not a MI fan i suggest you not to read this. This whole captaincy drama is too far stretched and the tension can be seen on the team as well. All the hate Hardik's been getting is just getting out of hand now. This is not fair on him or his family, attacking our own player is just very low and disgusting. We fans are much better than this. 

Mi has now three matches and the tension is very visible on the team. Everything is going wrong and Hardik thinks its all because of him and he is at fault. Everyone on the team can see hardik eating himself up in guilt. 

Rohit POV

"Bhaiya we need to do something, look at harry, he's not the same anymore. This hate is getting to him and its bad. He is isolating himself and he isn't even talking to us." Jassi was ranting to me and all I could do is nod. 

"Jas, ik but what can we do, I tried talking to him and he just replied he's ok. I can't see him like that yk after all he's still my kiddo. 

After Jassi left the room all I could think was about harry, tbh this whole thing of captaincy is now becoming a lot, I never wanted any captaincy and I am more than fine actually very happy that now my kiddo has the captaincy and can show his leadership skills to the fullest, but alas this fuckass management made everything worse. 

The hallway was quiet very unsettling, Rohit paused outside Hardik's room. He could sense the tension in the air, but he had to talk to his kid. 

With a gentle knock, he pushed the door open, revealing the dimly lit room. Hardik sat on the edge of the bed, shoulders slumped, his usually vibrant aura overshadowed by a cover of sadness and guilt. Rohit's heart sank at the sight, it pained him to see such a happy and vibrant soul like hardik's in such a state. 

"Harry?" Rohit's voice was gentle and filled with concern, as he stepped into the room.

Hardik looked up, his eyes slightly red from crying. "Hey, Rohit," he managed, his voice barely above a whisper. 

Rohit approached slowly, concern evident into every line of his face. He sat down beside Hardik, "Harry talk to me, I'm here for you", he spoke softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Hardik's shoulder. 

Hardik shook his head, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "It's just..... everything Rohit. The comments, the hate, the criticism... It's getting to me," he confessed, his voice quivering and tears threatening to fall from his eyes. 

Rohit's heart broke at the sight, he knew all this hate that Hardik was receiving was just not fair, Hardik was never at fault here. He knew all too well the toll that relentless scrutiny could take. "I'm sorry Harry, you shouldn't have to go through this," he murmured, his voice laced with empathy.

Hardik looked up, meeting Rohit's gaze with sadness, "I don't know how much more of this I can take, Am I that bad B-ro," he admitted, his voice trembling and breaking down. 

Rohit's heart ached for his kiddo, and without any hesitation, he pulled Hardik into a tight embrace, offering what comfort he could. "You don't have to, Harry, and it's not your fault, stop thinking like this. Don't guilt yourself, just remember  that our game is more important than anything," he whispered, his voice filled with immense support. "I'm here for you, always. We'll get through this together, I promise."

Hardik's grip tightened around Rohit's shoulders, seeking solace in their shared embrace. "I just.. I felt so alone and guilty, B-ro," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Rohit gently pulled back, meeting Hardik's tear stained gaze with unwavering determination. "You're never alone, Harry," he affirmed, his voice gentle yet firm. "Not as long as I'm here, and not as long as we have our team, your family standing by your side."

Hardik nodded, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "Thank you B-ro, he spoke, his voice barely audible. "I needed to hear that."

Rohit offered a small, reassuring smile, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Anytime, kiddo," he said softly. "Everything will be fine, don't worry."

Hardik smilling softly spoke, "As long as you are here with me, I'll be fine B-ro."

"Chal ab jyada senti mat ban, Let's show them who we, MI, really are," Rohit spoke grinning whilst ruffling Hardik's hair affectionately. 

After this talk, Hardik knew that he was not alone, and with his B-ro along his side, he never will be. 

Ik many people are hating on Hardik rn, but it's just not fair :(
He doesn't deserve this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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