Chapter 4

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im not gonna lie but.. After we all when home, i kinda realized i had a crush on tom, i think he felt me when he kissed me, and i saw a bump on his pants after he sat back down.

But what if he doesn't like me back? What if hes interested in someone else? Im gonna let this thing hold for a while..


I hate school, but if it means that i can see matt, travis, and tom, I'll go. Toms waiting by his locker like always. matt and travis are trying to catch up with me. I can hear them shouting.

"Mark!" matt said. is it always this loud in the hallways or am i just weird..?

Matt and travis caught up with me after i got to tom.

"Mark you got me tired." matt says, wait-

Travis looked at matt a weird way after he said that, i mean, i would've to but he beat me to it.

"What the fuck travis?" matt said, then pushing him.

Why do they always do the same things?

"Hey, uh.. mark?" i hear a voice say, and its obviously tom, hes always nervous and hesitates, and i kinda like that..

"Yeah?" i reply back.

"You wanna like.. hang out at my place after school?"

"Sure, man."

the intercom goes on, maybe its for the people vaping in the school bathroom, or the people who wrote "suck my dick" on a teachers whiteboard. Or maybe its us for skipping school, you never know?

"Can i have tom delonge, mark hoppus, matt skiba, and travis barker to the front office please?" the lady on the intercom says. i mean, you honestly can't tell who is talking.

"Man, what the hell? Out of everyone we get called?" travis says, thinking the same as me.

Theres always the people to annoy you when you get called to the office. Stop shouting, "ooh.."

we made our way to the front. they made us go to the principals office and sit down.

"Tom you're like, a piece of bad luck. I mean, when matt, mark, and i skipped, we never got in trouble." travis says.

"Yeah, this never usually happens." matt says as he agrees with travis.

i can tell tom looks guilty because he puts his head down to his chest and takes his feet off the table. I can hear matt and travis talking to eachother, then it goes to fighting. Im gonna talk to tom..

"Hey, tom?" i say nervously. im not usually this nervous.

"Yeah..? " he replies back with a shaky voice.

"Its fine, dude. They're just assholes."

"... Thanks." tom says as he puts his head on my shoulder. I start to blush and i think he saw me..


The principal comes, shes about the most dumbest person here. I mean, otherwise from the band kids here, but whatever.

"Do you boys know why you're here? "The principal says. we don't even know if she knows also, or if shes just calling us here for no reason.

We all stay silent.

"Well, you skipped classes yesterday, didn't you?" she says, just shut the fuck up lady.

"I didnt expect this from you thomas delonge. Especially because you're a new student here."

"It's tom, bitch." me, matt, and travis look at tom. how was he able to speak up? He usually isn't the one to. well, how do i know? He barely got here yesterday. Or something like that.

"Excuse me?" the fucking principal says, obviously you heard him. You knew what he said, so stop asking for everything that matters. We know what we did. So just shut up every one in a while.

"You heard him." i say, i was a little nervous to say this, but it just came out..

"Mark and tom, i can suspend you and give matt and travis a warning. Are you surr you're gonna go that way?"

"Just shut the fuck up, no one wants to hear you anyways." tom says, damn..

"Tom, out my office."

"Whatever." tom says while walking out. i can tell he doesn't even care..

"Mark, do you wanna join him?" the principal says. yeah, i kinda do asshole.

"yes.." i mumble, why am i so fucking awkward?!

"Then go ahead, join tom in the front."

"Okay." i accept the offer, who wouldn't? What, like, a week off school? Fuck yeah.

I walked towards tom and sat down.

"Sit down man." i say to tom

Tom sat down after i told him to, i can tell he looked a little worried.

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