Chapter 14

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Sleeping hasn't been my best friend recently. Yes I was happy to have made a new friend but something in me was still bugging my brain. My warm blanket cancels out the freezing air seeping in through the window. The grey clouds covered the sun from providing any natural light. I lay flat on my back staring at the ceiling. It has been nearly a week and Nick still hasn't woken up. I so badly want to visit him in the clinic but I can't lose sight of whose feelings I should prioritize. I will always put Kai first. 

I slowly stand upright and pace slowly to the shower. It's only 6:30 am and I finally have time to take a good shower. I take my pajamas off and twist the shower knob to lukewarm water. I carefully step into the shower and rinse my body.

I finished cleansing the dirt from last night. I exit the shower and am immediately met with icy air. I wrap my towel around my body and pace towards the window to close it shut. I let out a heavy exhale. The water from my hair drips down my back and shoulders. I wipe the dripping and wrap the damp towel around my head. I open my closet doors and take the uniform out of the hanging rack.

I put on my outfit for the day, which consists of a scarlet skirt that falls above the knee and a long-sleeve blouse. Examining my reflection in the mirror, I see the bruising has not faded yet. I decide to grab a turtleneck sweater from my closet and put it on. It's 7:00 sharp, It's been a while since Ive been on time for breakfast. 

I step out of the room, puzzled by the unusually bright sunlight shining on this side of the castle. Shielding my eyes from the sun, I change direction and head towards the dining hall. There, I am welcomed by my new friend Aubrey, who exclaims, "You're early! Let's grab a seat before Kai whisks you away." Despite the early hour, Aubrey's excitement is infectious. Finding a table in the center of the hall, we enjoy the space to ourselves as the first arrivals. As I muster the courage to ask about Aubrey's insights on Kai, she shares, "I sensed intense anger in him." Intrigued, I inquire further, prompting her to reveal, "I felt a deep-seated rage and a sense of concealed secrets within him." Lost in thought, I wonder if Kai's anger is directed towards me or Nick. Sensing my unease, Aubrey swiftly changes the subject, returning to her cheerful demeanor.

Aubrey's chatter fades as I immerse myself in deep thought. I avoid looking at her for a while as I ponder the meaning behind her words about Kai hiding something. As the hall fills up with students, I silently hope to avoid catching Kai's eye, unsure if I'm ready to talk to him at this moment. As the chatter of other students filled the hall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping in. Aubrey's words lingered in my mind, swirling around like a persistent whisper. The thought of Kai hiding something sent a shiver down my spine, making me question every interaction we've had recently. I stole a glance in Kai's direction, but he was immersed in conversation with his friends, his expression unreadable. A part of me wanted to confront him and demand answers, while another part hesitated, not wanting to jump to conclusions. Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly twirled a strand of hair around my finger, trying to make sense of the situation. Should I confront Kai now, in the midst of the bustling hall, or wait for a more opportune moment? The weight of uncertainty settled in my chest, adding to the tension that hung in the air. As the bell signaling the start of classes rang out, I made a decision. I would find a moment to speak to Kai, to unravel the mystery that seemed to be looming between us. With a determined step forward, I set out to seek the truth, knowing that whatever lay ahead, I was ready to face it head-on. 

Every thought always leads back to Nick. Thinking about Kai exhausts me, so I shift my focus to my roommate, who is in a coma at the clinic. I want to erase Nick from my mind. Although I love Kai, I am unsure if he feels the same way. Walking beside Aubrey, she talks incessantly without a break. Carrying a couple of books, I head to the first class with Mr. Colossel. "Today's lesson is on using your powers on real people," he announces as the students chatter in the room. "I understand this may cause concern, but rest assured, you will be closely monitored throughout the process."

A lump in my throat is huge enough to have a difficult time to swallow. I feel my palms sweat. I'm in no way ready to use my powers on a person, not after what happened to Nick. "Now all of you have been well rested so excuses will be denied seeing as the results of today's activity will play a huge part in your final grade." Mr. Colossel declares. Shit there is no way to get out of this. "You will use your powers on the person closest to you, now fortress students I am well aware that you have multiple powers but I advice to you all to use your strongest and most powerful ability. The sweat emerging from my palms spreads to my neck. I'm hyper ventilating in fear of hurting...Aubrey. I turn to look at her and she seems over joyed while I'm on the brink of fainting. I scratch my sweating neck and start breathing heavily. "Is it a hundred degrees in here, it's h-hot as hell." I exclaim as I tug on the collar of the turtle neck sweater. "Well yeah silly you're the only one wearing a sweater." She extends her arm, "Here come on i'll help you loosen up." She unknowingly tugs on the collar of the sweater revealing the blue red bruises wrapped around my neck. I suddenly move her hand quickly with force, "NO- No haha no need let's do this!" I try to mask my nervous demeanor. I'm unaware if she notices the bruising but by the look on her face, worry masks over her joyful mood. I shift my gaze from Aubrey and decide to pay attention to the instructions coming out of Mr. Colossels mouth. "Students, turn to your partners and focus on what you want to do to them." He instructs. I turn to Aubrey only for her to already be looking at me. Her energy is confident while mine is extremely nervous. "Y-you can go first Aubrey." I recommend. "Okay!" Her eyes pierce my soul and makes me intensely uncomfortable. If I have to guess, she's using her abilities of reading people. The look on her face turns from being confident to looking like she's seen a dead body. She taps out of her trans and grasps for a breath of air. "Are you alright!?" I panic. Aubrey coughs and raises her head to look at me. The fearful look on her face intensifies my panic. "What did you see?!" I ask. "I- I saw-" The tension builds up. "Y-your afraid, scared, angry, sad, filled to the brim with emotions you aren't able to express. Gosh HAhA even that way w-way too intense for me to continue." She explains. I don't know what she means. "Alright! Good work Miss Green! Now it is time for your turn, Miss Gray." 

I'm hesitant, uncomfortable, and afraid. I can't risk not catching up to my grades. "Are you re-ready?" I nervously ask Aubrey. "Yeah- YEAH! Show me how badass you really are Victoria Gray!" She masks her previous worrying state. I step back from her and focus on her, I want her to float. I focus my energy on her body and stare at her intensely. I feel my own blood running through my veins. My pent up emotions are taking over my body, why wont she float? My intense emotions are all directed to her, it's getting harder to breathe. I feel my brain getting strangled and my air pipes closing in, just a little more- 

Blood. Fucking. Blood. 

Aubreys blood heavily pours out of her ears and nose. Blood covers her. Blood. Blood. Blood.

I tap out immediately. I kneel down and try to help Aubrey. Her eyes are closed and the blood finally stopped coming. "Aubrey! AUBREY!" I scream holding yet another unconscious body. "MR COLOSSEL!" I scream for help. Mr. Colossel rushes towards me and steps back when he sees the amount of blood on the floor. "Dear Cristiela.." He swears on the Queens name. Mr Colossel shouts at one of the pupils to call for help. 

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