Chapter 10

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The bright white light and the static is the only thing I notice. The muffled voice of Miss Fallon is nearly muted in my mind. "Miss Gray, Miss Gray!" I snap out of my trans. "Could you repeat the events of last night?" Miss Fallon questions. I clear my throat and breathe in. "Yeah uh- Kai and I were staying in my dorm room and Nick entered and they got into a fight. They both said really bad things to each other and both snapped out of anger. I told them to stop but they wouldn't listen, then Nick said something really nasty to Kai and I- I-" I couldn't bring myself to admit what I had done. "It wasn't on purpose it really wasn't." My eyes start flooding with tears. "I did that to him- at first I couldn't believe him but- I caused this." I explain. Miss Fallon looks at me baffled. "Pardon me for getting this wrong but last I checked you haven't been able to execute your powers for over 7 years." She utters. "Yeah I know but- something in me rose last night and I hadn't noticed what I was doing until I saw his unconscious body laying on the floor-" My voice cracks. "Alright, dear. Thank you for your cooperation. Since your powers have suddenly came back I would really suggest you to attend your classes. I will advise Professor Caspar to give you special lessons in hopes that you will be able to control your powers. Has your levitation and mind control shown signs or-?" "No- not yet, only blood bending has shown." I interrupt. "You may head to your dorm room, I'll only allow you one day of absence but tomorrow I expect you to attend all your classes." "Yes, Miss Fallon. Thank you." I stand up and leave the clinics consultant area. I leave clinic and am immediately stared at by other students. I'm wearing a white t-shirt and gray pajama pants. My hands were still stained by Nicks blood and I assume that my face is pale. 

I chose to ignore the stares and whispers of those I walked past by. I have never felt more shameful in my life than ever. After minutes of judge mental people talking about me I'm finally inside my dorm room. My eyes meet the blood stained wood floor. It's only eight am yet the room is dim and withdrawn from flavor. It's cold and isolated. Guilt has been drowning me for twelve hours. The occurrences of last night replays in my head over and over again. Disbelief, disgrace, and guilt are the only things I feel. I never wanted this to happen, I never wanted to hurt him, I never wanted to hate him. I can't keep lying to myself, I can't keep being angry. The life I had been living recently doesn't even feel like mine. 

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling for two or more hours. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. The silence was killing me and the emptiness was hurting me. Even after everything that happened, even after everything that Nick had said, I wanted to see him. I slowly stand up from my bed and walk towards the door. I take a deep breath before twisting the knob open. The bright sun hit my eyes, I almost forgot that it was still early in the morning.

I reach the clinic and enter. "I'd like to see Nick Xander Savanger please." I say to the receptionist. "Occupation." She asks. "I'm his roommate." I respond. "Name?" "Victoria Alexandra Gray." The receptionists sighs, "He is in room 3, papers say that he is critical condition. Are you sure you want to see him?" She asks. "Certainly." I walk pass the counter and pace towards room three. I halt in front of the door and breathe. I push the door open and see Nicks unconscious body laying on the bed. He is attached to machines and wires. I take a seat by the chair next to the bed. I stare at his face, there is still stains of blood on his chin. His body is peaceful. "Hey uh- I know that you can't hear me." I relax my body on the back of the chair. "You can't hear me which makes things easier to say, honestly it's funny how you tried to kill me and I might have just killed you." I try to lighten my own sorrow mood. "But- I never wanted this to happen, I am so sorry." It's getting harder to speak. "If I'm being honest I don't actually hate you, I mean I did at one point but I don't want to keep lying. I don't hate you now, and I don't plan to." I could feel my nose turning red. The room door opens and one of the doctors enter. "Miss Gray, I did not know that you were in here." He says. "I'm sorry I just wanted to see him. Doctor please- how is he doing?" The doctor exhales before speaking. He looks at the chart he's holding. "Mr. Savanger indeed is in critical condition. When the emergency team found him they reported that he had lost a cosmic amount of blood. We ran tests and it showed that the first few minutes of  the event he was unconscious yet his brain was completely active. It's unsure whether he could hear or speak during the trans. The amount of blood coming from his mouth was not the only shocking thing." He explains. "How so?" I question. "Well from the scans it showed that the blood was not coming from the throat but through the brain as well. Tests showed that he had not been in contact with any poison and showed that he had no medical problems. We ran more tests and it revealed that the amount of blood that came from the head put his condition in extreme danger. It is unsure when or whether he will wake up." This news shattered my heart. The guilt covered me head to toe.

"Anyways, Miss Gray I just came to check on his vitals which-" He walks towards the machine. "Are stable, alright i'll leave you both alone. The doctor leaves the room and only then do I break into a million of vulnerable pieces. I cant remove my eyes from him. "Okay so remember when I said that I don't hate you right now? Well I will really hate you when you don't wake up." Tears flooding down my face. "I hate to admit it but I still care about your annoying face." I chuckle. I reach for his hand and hold it. "If you really do love me, you'll wake up okay?" I wipe my tears and my right hand is still holding his. 

I spent the entire morning and afternoon. The nurses told me that visiting hours had ended and told me to go back to my dorm room. I left the clinic and slowly walk upstairs to the dorm. The air is cold and I took one of the clinics blankets and wrapped it around my body before leaving.

I reach my dorm room and enter and see Kai sitting on my bed. "What are you doing here-?" I ask quietly. "Where were you." He asks. "I searched the entire castle looking for you and even broke into your dorm to see that you weren't even here, so where the hell were you?" He repeats. I'm hesitant to answer his question. "Well? Speak!" He demands. "I was in the clinic- I was with..Nick." The anger on his face worsened. He stands up and quickly walks towards me. "Kai-" He grabs me by my neck and pins me to the door hitting my head. "What are you doing?!" I panic. The grip he has on my neck tightens by the second. I could see the rage in his eyes. "I TOLD YOU HE WAS BAD NEWS, YOU NEVER LISTEN DO YOU. HE IS DANGEROUS VICTORIA HE IS! LET'S NOT FORGET THAT YOU ARE MY GIRLFRIEND- YOU ARE MINE!" He snaps and his grip is pressing hard on my throat. "p-p-please-" manages to escape my mouth. "Yo-you-you're hur-ting me-e." I reach my hand to his face. "I-i love you-." I say. His eyes widen and his nose flares up. He instantly hits my head harder on the door. Cries start emerging from my face. "I TOLD YOU TO NOT THROW THAT FUCKING WORD AROUND!" he shouts. "O-okay ok-ay I'm- s-sorry." I hold his face with both of my hands trying to calm him down. Finally he lets go of my neck. "You are the only man I want, Malachai Denver." I reassure. His eyes start forming tears and he bursts into cries. "I'm sorry I- I shouldn't have hurt you-" "No it's okay- it's okay." He presses his lips to mine and I kiss him back. He pulls away and presses his lips on mine once again. "I want you." He groans. He kisses me passionately and does not stop. I feel his hands searching my body and I let him. He removes his shirt and removes mine as well. He throws the shirts to the ground. He wraps his arms on my waist and I jump on him. He walks towards the bed and drops me on top of it. His body is on top of mine and he takes his pants off and pulls mine off. He places his face against mine and kisses me in all of my parts, from my lips to my neck to my chest and to my most delicate part. He takes my panties off and starts kissing my cunt. Moans escape my mouth and he doesn't stop for a matter of time. He kneels on the bed and removes his boxers. I could faintly see his bulging member. He leans back towards me and whispers in my ear. "I wont be so gentle, princess." and he inserts his member into my cunt. A muffled scream escapes my mouth. His hand is covering my mouth and he pushes and pulls. Moans wont stop escaping my mouth and he starts breathing heavily. 

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