5. Sharing Headphones and New Siblings

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Ever come home and found your room messed up? Like some helpful person (hi, mommy, love you) has tried to "clean" it, and suddenly you can't find anything? And even if nothing is missing, you get that creepy feeling like somebody's been looking through your private stuff and dusting everything with lemon ledge.

That's the exact way I felt seeing Camp Half-Blood again.

I wanted to help take Tyson on his tour of the camp, but under strict orders from Clarisse, I was to go to Cabin Seven.

I walked to the yellow/gold painted cabin and up the steps.

I had never been inside, mostly a look from when I passed it. But now under closer inspection, I saw hyacinth flowers inside the window sill, and bluebells—my favorite flower—on the rails next to the door.

Near the cabin, it always smelt like a doctors office, I guess it's their dad's whole deal, with his healing or whatever, but they seemed to like it. When it didn't smell like that, it smelt like flowers and soft clouds.

I put my hand up to the door, but before I could even knock, the door opened wide.

Kayla Knowles, one of Lee's half-sisters engulfed me in a hug. But as soon as she fully had her arms wrapped around me, she pulled back, "You're burnt! Come inside! Lee will treat you!"

"Why not you?" I asked, my face heating up.

"Because I'm not a healer, silly! I do archery."

She pulled me over to a bed with a white comforter and golden silk sheets. I was gonna lightly sit down, but she shoved me entirely onto the bed before yelling, "Lee! Your friend is here!"

Another door from further in the cabin bust open, I wasn't able to see due to Kayla keeping me on the bed.

Someone tackled me even further into the bed, laying on top of me entirely, laughing. He had a warm aura, something that gave off sunny days in the grass, a picnic, strawberries, and a comforting pillow. "Jackson!"

I was gonna laugh too, if it weren't for my arm burning at that moment. "Fletcher!" I said.

We both sat up as Kayla was getting a Med-kit from the room Lee had came from.

As soon as Lee saw the box, he looked me over, eyes landing on my arm. "Oh my gods, Jackson! That's a second-degree burn! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I wanted it to get worse. Obviously I didn't know!"

He grabbed my arm quickly, forcing me to him, landing right at his side, "ow!"

He shushed me as he handed me nectar and ambrosia, but I refused. "Kiera, you have to."

"It didn't do anything when I drank some earlier from Annie. She said I need to have it bandaged."

"I can see that."

"Can you?" I asked.

Fletcher stopped what he was doing, and looked up at me. I giggled before he shoved ambrosia into my mouth and forced me to swallow it. 

"Mean." I whispered.

"Helpful." He added, smirking while continuing to prep for cleaning.

Another pain went through my arm and I wanted to scream, but I didn't.

Kayla was watching, then she started edging to the door. I knew where this was going. "Kayla Knowles! Get back in here!"

She laughed and sprinted out.

Well, so much for that.

I checked the clock above the Apollo Cabin's bathroom. Fifteen minutes to dinner.

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