"Guys i think I'm going to go. I desperately need to rest my head, plus not really enjoying listening to you both argue over my love life." She slurred out her eyes already shut.

"Non-existent." Laura butted in.

Adeline didn't wait to hear any more before she'd passed out asleep no idea as to when they hung up the phone but was delighted in the morning to find her headache and eyestrain a dull roar now. She gently placed her glasses on and pushed them all the way up her nose ridge. Adeline always did her best to get away with not wearing them for as long as possible. She had never been a big fan of having to wear them, instead, would prefer to suffer in quietly without ridicule.

Hope you feel better in the morning. And take some tablets. -Darren.

Put your glasses on! -Laura.

Adeline hugged her phone to her chest at the sweet messages from them. She slipped out of the bed to go brush her teeth and have a shower before going out to find a suitable breakfast.

Mid shower, Adeline froze as she remembered what she'd been looking up last night for her to get ill in the first place. All the warnings, prophecies and other information flooded back only to make her muscles tight at it all. She was at a loss of what it all meant. Or if any of it was real. She thought back Fayne from last night. Having decided he was her best bet she brushed out her nearly dried hair, drove her feet into her pumps and left the hotel intent on going to see him after she'd satisfied her food cravings.

The bar was exactly as she remembered it from last night. Although this time Fayne seemed to lack the same energy. It made Adeline wonder if he'd worked all night or just started a new shift this morning. She didn't have time to dwell on it for too long before Fayne spotted her in the far corner near one of the back two-seater tables.

"Back already." He greeted her more cheerily than he looked. The closer she studied him, the more signs she could notice of him being overworked. Dark bags hung under his now darkened eyes. The light dimly there, his mouth pulled up in a half scorn while his cheeks appeared to be sunken in the middle. His complexion was still darker than Felix' but not much anymore.

"Have time for a break?" Adeline softly inquired. She gestured to the chair opposite her nicely. She really did think he needed to sit down before he fell down.

Fayne took the bait and pulled out the chair. He made it seem like the chair was only fit for a dwarf the way that he swamped it.

"Surprised to see you here without a shadow attached to your hip. Thought he was keeping you safe." Fayne commented while he stroked his chin.

Adeline shrugged. She didn't think that she would be literally attached at the hip with the guy she's only known for about a week. She might've started to like him. But it didn't mean that they would be that close so soon. All she could think of was how creepy that would be. A shudder racked through her body as she dispelled the thought.

"Anyway. I thought i would come and talk to you. I did some research about macdone power you were talking about yesterday. I just had a couple of questions." Adeline changed the subject at the same time of being direct with why she was there.

"How clever of you." Fayne carefully retorted.

"Woulf you be willing?" She asked innocently. Adeline batted her eyelashes as it was what Laura had said to do when wanting help from a man.

Fayne hearty laughed at her.

"You don't have to bat your eyelashes love. That won't get you far." He mused.

Adeline's cheeks flushed embarrassed that he said something about it. It wasn't how she was told anyone would react to it. More that they would just be willing to do what you wanted. She thought she must have done it wrong.

"What questions." He brought her back to the conversation.

"I read that there was a prophecy that went with the necklace." She started.

"What's the question. Thats just a statement isn't it." He replied without a beat.

"I guess my question is, is it true? That it means the vampires are going to revolt and it's up to the new priestess to stop them. To send them back to the depths of hell?" She finally asked one of the things that was knawring at her.

"As much as the protecters are aware of. We aren't just protectors of the humans. But more specifically of the new priestess. To help her defeat the vampires anyway possible." He gave her the little information without revealing too much.

"How would you know who the new priestess is? Online it said that the necklace would choose someone. How would it do that?" She continued as she leant forward her frustration showed through her body language.

"Now we're gettin' somewhere." He clapped his hands and rubbed them together before he rested his back against his chair to give a little relief to his aching bones.

"One way is the priestess will feel a pull to the place it lies. It will call to her until she cannot resist finding it. After that, the woman would eventually start to show other signs. Her eyes might change from time to time until they become completely silver. She might start feeling her hands be both freezing and on fire at the same time until other things begin to happen. Those are the ways I was taught to watch out for the new priestess anyway. All protectors were taught different signs passed on through their lineage." He patiently explained and gave her a pointed look.

"Haven't been feeling any of that other than just the pull, have you?" He casually asked while he held her gaze.

"Not as far as I know." She blinked out.

"So far." She muttered and looked away hoping it was low enough for him not to hear.

"Mhm." He grunted.

"Well, if you do. Or you have any more questions come back and see me. Don't tell anyone else, it could put your life in danger. There will be many out there trying to trick you." He pre-warned in urgency.

"Better get going. My shift was over five minutes ago." He dismissed Adeline with a pat to her shoulder.

Adeline left the place conflicted. She got some of the answers but was still left with a sense of dread with more questions than when she first went in. How many different species of creatures were there that the rest of the world was unaware of? Was she really the next priestess? And why was Fayne so unwilling to share what he knew without being prompted with how he hints at her being the new priestess?

Adeline just wanted to put it all in the back of her head. To lock it up until she was off her holiday so she could actually enjoy it without a life changing discovery that could mean danger threatening her very existence. But she couldn't instead, she had an overbearing bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that things were about to change for the worst. That something big was coming which would take a lot to overcome.  

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